
There's no such thing as "evil" but glad to know you do not possess a heart, something which DOES exist.

You literally do not know that, and are making wild, gigantic assumptions about them. I was a huge shit-head at 12 who could've easily been talked into some seriously stupid shit - and I was!. I almost burned a house down a few times out of stupidity. I was cruel to animals, on and on. But I now bear almost zero

It's "cowardly" to witness a Pope finally having an ounce of sense and leading his gigantic church into a much saner, more rational world-view and see him as anything other than a "prick"?
Because a small percentage of Catholic priests molested kids, then every Pope that ever exists, no matter what he, you know,

"They will definitely kill and abuse people when they are released."
Lol, you know literally nothing about these girls. You've not seen a picture of them, you know not one single thing about their lives.
And yet.
With some self-assured authority, you declare this.
That's totally beyond me.

Hey, look at that - someone with an ounce of reason and actual sense! Didn't realize it'd be so rare. Kudos for having the maturity to be a real human being.

Extended psychological therapy in a secure facility. For however long it takes. These girls clearly did not have parental figures who taught them or guided them well AT ALL, plus some clear mental issues. They need help, not GWAHHH PUNISHMENT!!!
Just because someone does something bad, VERY bad, doesn't mean that that

Raging Internet Warrior - on the scene! And look, she brought such insightful wisdom!
Her message, unveiled for the world........"KiLl Teh STooPiD CuNTs!!1!!1!1"

Is your book on human psychological development on sale soon? I'd love to have a read and learn all the wisdom that you possess on the matter.

You make some good points. Peoples reactions here is purely bloodlust. HANG THEM! etc...
Our American culture is so very sick, diseased through and through with a total lack of reason and sense. Some European countries have vastly different views of prison, they're not seen as "punishment" but for rehabilitation.

You sure look tough. And everyone can see it! You must feel really proud that your toughness is on display for everyone here.
Good thing you're not actually in charge of anything, since reason clearly isn't your strong suit.
But hey, at least everyone knows how hardcore you are.

Trolololol. Cute. I see you never emotionally developed past 12 years old yourself. How's that working out for you?

Evil doesn't actually exist. There is no such thing, other than in pop culture and religions. Evil is as real as Slender Man.

You must watch a lot of Fox News and/or live in perpetual fear. That's sad.


Yeah, they knew exactly what they were doing...

Because PURE OUTRAGE is always the best mental state for deciding an appropriate reaction, right?
Prison isn't always about PUNISHMENT you ignorant twat.

You don't know me or know shit about me, but thanks for projecting your own emotional immaturity on to others.

Wow, what clusterfuckery of a batch of responses I got on this.
This article is seriously highlighting the mental and emotional immaturity of a TON of commenters here, and it's pretty sad.
Everyone is focusing on whether or not "they knew what they were doing", I'm seeing comment after comment "they knew what they were

Sure, you may have expected it....when you were twelve, and had zero concept of time, maturity, human mental and emotional development, etc.
The distance from 12 to 25 is absolutely enormous, and more than sufficient. Otherwise, what's the damn point?

Yeah 65 years in prison for 12 year olds, that makes....perfect sense.