
Playing through the entire game twice in 2 days.... means you were playing it literally non-stop, lol. I have a job and a wife and other commitments, so yeah, it seemed to last me about as long as most games and didn't stand out as short. If I were obsessed with blazing through games at light speed, then maybe it

Was looking forward to this, but honestly this trailer looks like a mountain of ass.

Bad ass.
Not badass...
Bad. Ass.

No way. You'd have to be gunning for a speedrun to pull that off, and definitely NOT on your first playthrough. Do you not actually enjoy videogames? Do you just pretend to? It took me about a week to beat it, and that's without completing all the side missions. Of course, not a week straight, but all together.

I may be alone here, but get this...
I bought mine at Launch - that's the 'Day One Edition'...

And have yet to play one single game on it. It just sits there, staring at me.

Stupid move, I know. Especially now that they've announced the Kinect-less version for $100 less. Ugh, I just couldn't resist and was such a big fan

You thought SS was ridiculously short? Maybe if you purposefully fly through the story as fast as possible, but if you actually complete side quests and try to clear all the zones it's got a perfectly decent amount of gameplay.

Launch buyer here. I purchased both XB1 and PS4 at launch and almost exclusively play my PS4. Not a fan of XB1 so far, but anyway...

I've played AC4, Infamous: SS, and Tomb Raider to completion, as well as several downloadable titles like Resogun, Flower and some others.

I have no regrets. The people acting regretful

Oh I get it - hahahaha he's become *too* popular, he's too well known and lots of people who don't normally like rap like HIM, so he's therefore terrible. Because backlash!
Too mainstreeeeam, maaaan. He can't rap, he's just the Tofu of Rap ™! And lolz Seth Rogan thinks he can't rap either, hohohoho.
Pathetic. Have you

Here's something I want to see, a 3D camera attached to the front of the Rift, sending its signal to the wearer... allowing him to see the world around him, but digitally?!
In that way, it wouldn't obscure their vision technically. How weird would it be to walk around your house, seeing a 3D 'replication' of your

Um, powerful processors and graphical abilities do not equal "bro shooters" no matter what sales figures tell you. There are plenty of awesome action/adventure/RPG games that are graphically intensive as well, and Ninty needs them badly.

I knew I should have waited. Knew it, knew it, knew it.
I bought the day one edition and havent played one single game on it yet.
Ugh, what a waste. If anyone wants a brand new, unplayed, Day One Edition XBOne, ya know...let me know :/

A - f*&^ing- MEN
So far XBOne is just a shoddy OS putting everything behind a paywall, with a confusing a poorly designed app-management structure with no good games to play!
Not that either system has exploded with awesome games, but PS4 is eating its freakin lunch right now.

Hm, well, I'm a day one adopter with my fancy-pants "Day One Edition" Xbox One and so far, it's been a raging disappointment. I've played my PS4 about 10x more. Maybe it's just me.

Literally ALL THE GODDAMN THINGS on Xbox One are behind the paywall.
How on Earth could they compensate by adding MORE things to the paywall? I don't think this is literally possible. As it stands now I can scarcely turn the thing ON without getting the "You need GOLD for this!!1!" screen.

Oh, HAHAHA I didn't realize this was all about humor, and not about feminists becoming a pissy bunch of resentlful hate-mongers.
I get it now,'s funny!!1!!

The problem is, by lumping them together, you're not merely "forcing them all to think about it", you're actively fucking accusing them of something.
That's not Okey Dokey to do just so you can feel better about teaching men something you think they don't know.

Because feminism has become acidic lately. Overly aggressive, resentful and pissy. And it leads to articles like this.

THANK YOU - I just said the same thing in a lot more words.

So, help me out here. When women use extremely broad-based assertions about what "men" do or what "guys" do - you expect men to just be perfectly OK with being lumped into a group that is being criticized in one way or another?

How is this any different than saying "blacks really like fried chicken and watermelon!"

Huh, fair enough. I have all three "next-gen consoles" in addition to PC. I play the occasional game on my Nexus 7 tablet, but... I can't for the life of me see anything I'm missing.

A hardcore gamer - who plays on iOS platform?

Is that satire?