Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else.
Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else.
FFS, how am I supposed to feel superior if I can’t bag on other people’s food choices and point out how much better mine are? Without that, I might be forced to rely on character and that won’t cut it.
except jedi dont double jump and the ability to do so is purely a video game mechanic
It doesn’t say anything about the nationalities of the tourist but good for you for making stupid assumptions.
my problem is just that I’ve had an xbox one since launch and I’ve only played a single game on it. The system just feels kind of unnecessary. I have a PS4, a switch, and a gaming PC. the Xbox One doesn’t have anything that I can’t get elsewhere.
Can the entire west coast just change the locks and form our own country?
A bottle of crown royal will (should) warm any man’s heart.
I don’t know if he ever actually played the role before, but in my mind’s eye, John Henry always looked like Michael Clarke Duncan.
You have to commit fraud on a scale large enough to crash the entire economy to avoid prosecution. She went too small.
I must be getting old because I remember when companies would run contests like this with the idea that your submission MIGHT make it into the game/show/book/whatever. And IF it did, you were just happy to have something you could brag to your friends about.
If you don’t want to have your art used without compensation then.....
don’t submit it to the company telling you they might not compensate you for your artwork.
I regret that I have but one star to give.
Someone got after me on the previous “boobie streamers” thread about how “immoral” it was to go after lonely guys by displaying cleavage on a stream.
Two things:
1.) This person was arguing that it was only “logical” that the behavior was immoral.
I know everyone’s sick of me saying this, but I’m trying to frame here:…
Counterpoint: Junkrat is amazing.
Huh. Really? I actually was impressed with how Alfred always reminds you what your mission goal is when you re-select a mission from the mission wheel.
Uh...yes? I am a fan of The Smiths and Morrissey’s music and his singing. Now you have your answer.
It’s rare that one man can manage to hold a 17 year old PETA volunteer’s views on animal rights AND an 85 year old racist grandfather’s views of multiculturalism at the same time. He has also reached that far more common right wing sweet spot of dismissing actual sexual assaults in the news while pretending that…
You’re asking if people like The Smiths?