wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

As 5G coverage areas expand, it could easily deliver broadband speed internet access without the need for expensive and expansive infrastructure upgrades.”

I truly love the real-world irony that the exact people 5G could be most helpful to are more likely to think it’s an evil mind-control scheme that they’ll fight

Right? I wouldn’t have bothered buying a PS4 Pro if I could’ve played all those games, plus Spider-Man, on Xbox instead. Spider-Man is particularly egregious considering it came from a studio Sony bought, it’s literally the exact same situation here, but Insomniac didn’t come out with a stupid ass apology, instead

Except that Starfield and Redfall are not existing IPs that Sony has had on their consoles. They didn’t come out saying ES6 or FO5 will be Xbox exclusives did they? Sony has bought several 3rd party studios that have made Xbox games, but are now Sony exclusive.

Wegovy will be approved for chronic weight management in adults living with obesity or who are overweight with at least one health condition possibly related to their weight, such as type 2 diabetes, in conjunction with a reduced calorie diet and physical exercise.  an excessive amount of money.

No one believes the current price of the stock has anything to do with fundamentals or fair value.

Money for nothin’, gifs for free

Why in the world do you care at all? No one is making you watch it. If Ninja started streaming in trunks, some people would like it and some wouldn’t, like literally every other thing he does - again, why do you care? Your idea of what Twitch is “for” is utterly imaginary, and exists only in your brain. Instead of

This is a good sign you don’t grasp the point of a financial stimulus plan. 

I’m up to 2 energy drinks per day. I think my next step is speed or cocaine.

Of course, but hey, we’re Aussie, we’re used to that.

Sure, you might be safe from the climate in Australia.  But every living thing there can kill you instantly.

This one is easy for me, already did my research over many, many years.

A reminder to everyone:

Although it is a 2 party system, I think it helps to look at it more like the British parliamentary system where they have to build a consensus amongst people with differing views.  That’s especially hard to do when the view of nearly 50 senators is “No to anything you suggest no matter what it is.”

A 50/50 split took away the republican majority. It didn’t create a democratic one and most certainly didn’t create a progressive one.

Even more important than police reform — ELECTIONS. Want to still have a democracy in 5 years?

We didn’t “give the Dems a majority” that doesn’t rely on the vote of Sen. Manchin. Unless if someone wants to claim that they thought the only Dem elected state-wide (or to federal office) from West Virginia was some sort of secret progressive, then we might want to be a little more clear about the governing

Because of the makeup of the senate, the centrist Democrats are extremely powerful and they know it. Literally any single one of them can derail pretty much any progressive legislation. You may not like Joe Manchin, but if you piss him off then it is entirely possible that literally zero progressive legislation will

If you are still making 80K as an individual or 160K as a couple, you do not need an extra $1400.

They should cut the foreign aid and support to business over profit cap, but it sounds worse than it is. If you are still making 80K as an individual or 160K as a couple, you do not need an extra $1400. The joke of the matter is the people that have no income or have lost a good percentage of it, will have only