wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

That's what I'm saying, friend. I'm saying it was more a function of time than vastly improved horsepower. Again, to wit: the difference between a 2003 last-gen title (PG2) and a 2005 current-gen title (PGR3) was large, but the difference between a 2005 last-gen title (Forza Motorsport) and a 2005 current-gen title

PGR3 looked better than PGR2, but not by miles and miles. And most of that had to do with the time elapsed since PGR2 had released. Compared to more recent titles— like Forza 2 (released in 2005 where PGR2 was released in 2003)— PGR3 wasn't so mind-blowing.

Oh, GUN. Man that was one shitty port. But it was still so much fun! Can't really mourn the loss of Neversoft because oh man True Crime NY was a piece of flaming ass, but GUN was seriously underrated.

Your argument is short-sighted and ill considered. Graphics are not the be-all, end-all issue of the next (or any) generation. And storytelling, fuck yeah. But better graphics, like good storytelling, are just one important component of creating a compelling and yes, immersive experience. The same way sound mechanics

Except that Android users don't have to type anything anymore. They added the feature back in as usual the day after the big upgrade.

I was on board until I saw the Nexus 4 in a drawer. DACHIS Y U NO ORB? Seriously, that thing is beautiful. Some devices— and their chargers— are made to be seen.

The rule should ALWAYS be, do not buy what you are considering and just buy a bike instead. Don't need an extension to tell you that.

Best way to say goodbye.

The game gets significantly better with friends. And fewer friends will be playing it by the time the GOTY arrives. Aaaaaand, it won't really be a much better deal than this. So buy it already! EXPLOOOOSIONS!

I agree. I'm not buying the PS4 either, yet— I will eventually, for both of them, but for now they're just new underpowered consoles relative to the PC. I was really excited about the One, because savvy gamers were already lining up their groups in such a way that they'd be paying for roughly one-tenth of the games

So, this kills family shares? This kills the idea of trading in downloadable titles? It takes the entire things-the-360-CAN'T-do aspect of the console, throws it out the window, and makes it a PS3?

I'm honestly more excited about the family share feature than I am about any other single thing about the One or the PS4 (although my "who won E3" answer is Nintendo, just because OMG WII U GAMES FINALLY!)... I know I'll have a little group of friends, sharing our game experiences and libraries, and it'll allow me to

I'm cool with these changes— I just wish they'd ban achievements that can be rendered impossible (like some of the NBA Live achievements about playing together with so many other players simultaneously).

I'm actually more excited about the Xbox One than I am for the PS4. I'll buy both eventually, of course, but Sony didn't bring any exclusives that I care about (I'm burned out on Infamous and Killzone is meh to me) so when Quantic Dream hit the ground running on PS4 (or if Team Ico EVER hit the ground on any platform

I feel the same way, but about the label button in portrait on phones. I wish I could replace the move to folder button with label. Le sigh.

I didn't think that the backwards compatibility issue would be a big one, but it's proving to actually be a bigger issue than the whole online/used things, just because of XBLA. I didn't realise it but I have a LOT of arcade/indie titles and that's a lot of sunk costs I'm out of (because I don't want to keep my 360

Then you are luckier than the rest of us. And I'm happy for your good fortune. It happens!

I suppose I can understand the line between wanting to be online and being made to be, but for me it's never been an issue. We're all different, I guess.

These answers are, by and large, amusingly idiotic. For a thread designed (I assume) to actually provide a little elucidation in case the folks in Redmond are listening, a whole mess of you decided to use the opportunity to shit the bed.

The aspects of the system that seem to be bothering most folks don't much bother me at all. Online checks? Steam's had them for years, and the sun still comes up. The used thing? Well, games are expensive enough now, but doing a little work on CAG always seems to yield new titles for around $35 or $40 pretty close to