wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

It's not fair to call TouchWiz a launcher, though. It's much deeper than that, and far more invasive. And most reviews pointed out that even the Exynos Octa in the international model chugs when you enable a lot of the TouchWiz "features" they bolted on to the S4.

Except you can blame someone for fragmentation, and you should. In this case, you should blame Samsung. You even point out the crucial difference (although you're wrong about half of it): that in an OS like Windows Phone, "fragmentation" exists in the form of exclusive apps that aren't built into the OS but on top of

Ooh, so is it time to begin taking bets on exactly when EA will cancel Live 14? EA are such awesome trolls. This is starting to feel like how Charlie Brown keeps getting tricked into kicking the football. I'm thinking they'll pull the plug on it this time in July. Anybody?

Sigh. Not that I was going to buy a wrestling title, but it's always disappointing to see the Wii U get piled on (and yes, I do understand it's all Nintendo's fault, and yes I do understand that developing a port for a console that is selling poorly would be fiscally irresponsible on the part of the game's developers).

Oh man, if Spider Jerusalem is included. Gah. Best game EVER. (Sadly, beyond Transmetropolitan and Extremis I'm not a Warren Ellis fan at all, but those two things are among my favorite works EVER... and that's also why Iron Man 3 was such a huge letdown for me. It's a really, really great buddy cop movie, but it's a

Your suggestion about an alternative is well-taken, but I'm using buttonless devices as well (N4, N7) and honestly I could count on one hand the number of times I've unintentionally triggered Now on both devices, together. I'm really thinking this is a pretty uncommon complaint, but I'll concede my anecdotal evidence

I got a WP 7.5 device (a Venue Pro) a while back just to play around with the OS, and the back button drove me INSANE. I could've more or less lived with the dearth of familiar apps (although the lack of Google services was a dealbreaker for the OS as a daily driver— Nexus for me!), but the implementation of the back

If the rumors of Google finally launching a Spotify competitor are true, then we're almost certainly due a big rewrite of Music— and I imagine the pending streaming service is exactly why we haven't seen a redesign already, because the app certainly does stick out like a sore thumb relative to all Google's 'holo/Now'

But the point of Now is that it's supposed to be universal— the upward swipe is nice because it sits directly outside of all app functionality. If you replaced the gesture with an icon, you'd have to navigate back to the home screen to launch it, which would kind of defeat the point. I love being able to launch

This has finally justified my Wii U. I mean, there's Pikmin and WWHD, but THIS. This is pretty fresh (doesn't hurt that I'm a sucker for Scribblenauts in the first place).

The entire problem is that Nintendo chose very poorly when it came to the overall specs of the system. Developers would, I'm sure, LOVE to make games for the thing— if only doing so didn't represent such a departure from the relative standards of its competitors. Asymmetrical local multiplayer is AMAZING, but nobody

That's a lamentable notion, but it's a logical fallacy to jump from that to a position wherein we embrace GameStop's wrongheaded business model just to prevent people from losing their jobs.

I bought the "Garden" DLC first, and am holding off for "Roof" until my next payday. I like flowers, but I hope the weather holds.

I don't think anyone— regardless of their animosity toward GameStop as a business— actually wishes for people to be out of work. But there is a wide gulf separating sympathy from admiration for a company's bad practices. I think every one of us wishes the best for those store-level employees relying on GameStop to pay

+1. Excellent.

Agreed. Dirty wall? Minor consideration. Scuffed bike? No way.

Serious cyclists usually don't put kickstands on non-commuter bikes because they're looking to keep weight to a minimum... although really serious cyclists have bike stands for their rides so they don't get damaged.

I think there is a serious usage case for Glass, though... for AR uses, video recording, instant notifications and two-way communication, mapping and navigation. All of those are hugely more convenient when you don't have to get your phone out of your pocket. Not to mention the enormous number of new possibilities

This. Blinking avatars should be outlawed.

My main concern with Infinity is that from what they've shown there doesn't seem to be as much focus on gameplay as on the whiz-bang-it's-neato effect of playing around as these Disney characters. And yeah, that's cool. But art design and neat characters add up to very little if you don't give me entertaining things