wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

$18.99 for 8Mb/s is good. Only getting 10GB a month is not good. At this and a couple of the lower tiers, it's really good for people who hardly consume any bandwidth in a given month... unfortunately this fails to describe the majority of people actually reading this article. I don't torrent much at all, anymore, I

And maybe a Classic, for when he needs to wear gloves and can't be arsed with the touchscreen.

I don't think that juxtaposing Fallon's enthusiasm with Hulst's comment makes the assertion you want it to, Jason. Admittedly there might be more, not-included commentary from the show that does specifically assert that graphics equalsign compelling characters, but Hulst's comment— and Fallon's excitement at, you

Technically not $15/1 or $25/3. The $15 is for the 12"x18" poster of any one... if you buy TWO of that size, for $30, she'll throw in the third for free. For $25 you can get all three, on cardstock, at 8.5"x11"... but you can't buy those individually.

It has in my limited testing. Really only seems to struggle with live electronica (Underworld, Everything Everything), turntablists, and for some reason Will Oldham? Beyond that it's pretty rad.

That is excellent! I appreciate being able to launch it from anywhere just by swiping into Google Now. Widgets for spontaneously launching applications I'll only need for a second? Inconvenient, takes me OUT of the task at hand.

I'm unsure how replying to three threads on an article that generated one hundred and eight different threads constitutes "responding to each and every reader comment", but cool story, bro. Furthermore, I didn't especially slam the device in any one of those three comments— I mentioned in one that I thought Blackberry

I think they should've worked harder to make sure the Q10 would make the BB10 launch.

No offense, but going over invoice on eBay is so far beyond meaningless as to be laughable. The Nexus 4 has been doing it for four months, the iPhone has been doing it FOR YEARS, and so on. MOST phones, at or around launch, sell for more than MSRP on eBay because it's often hard to get your hands an unlocked one, at

Considering the PS3's launch price (well, the entire pricing mechanism— the hugely expensive albatross that was the Cell, and the inflated sale price its development costs mandated) fucked up Sony for years, I think "cheaper launch price" would've been the first bullet point on Sony's whitesheet for this console.

Had me at Platinum Games.


Your response is so thoroughly idiotic I'm a bit hesitant to respond out of fear that you'll unleash more cascading stupidity from your trap. But nonetheless, once more into the breach...

Fair enough, and I didn't mean to slight Sony's prowess. Just offering a thought re the general characteristics of the Exmor line. Also, it's worth remembering that all these devices are aiming for a distant second place... the 808 murders all these so, so many times over.

I think previews are important. And, to me, the answer is simple: recognize early and often when a title is something that we should be skeptical of. Mention it loudly, frequently, in title AND body, and let that skepticism do battle with our unrestrained hope, that the finished product will be both GOOD and free of

By reputation alone, the One X (or X+) should've been included. It's widely regarded as a more than capable shooter. And by reputation alone, the N4 should've been excluded... it's a formidable improvement over the Galaxy Nexus, but it's no first-tier camera. None of us bought it for that reason... we bought it

Right? All it shows is that under extraordinarily general conditions, the N4 can take some AWFUL snaps. Honestly, the photographer managed to get horrid results (by and large) with ALL these devices. Instead of working WITH the camera, it's just... ugh.

Maybe they felt there would've been a little overlap given the Nexus uses a Sony Exmor BSI sensor? I know the Z uses the 13MP variant, but just a thought given the sensor family's general characteristics?

The article you've linked to is, itself, skeptical of GameStop's assertion. It MIGHT be true, and certainly GameStop present it as fact, but it's only fair to question the hand that's patting the back of its owner.

It wouldn't happen like that, though. Digital storefronts would lag well behind brick and mortar operations regarding price drops, but the mechanism behind retail pricing— competition, shelf space, and merchant returns— would still be in effect. So long as retailers have limited space to stock games and also the