wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

To be fair, there isn't NEARLY as much media coverage as there is, specifically, Gizmodo coverage. Not to suggest that it wouldn't be difficult to deliver an unnoticed miscarriage of justice, but it's not like the rest of the world's media is anything like seriously focused on this. It's kind of a Gizmodo hard-on.

It would have been significantly less work to just make a video of the Android notification shade, rather than "design" a grey, rounded-corner copy of it. I'm not sure even Apple could get away with swipe-to-dismiss notifications... if Apple could patent bounce back scrolling, I'm pretty sure Google must have an

I'm unsure I can get behind calling Skylanders OR Wii Sports overrated. I mean, did ANYONE really hold those games up as some kind of great shakes? Yes, Skylanders sells a metric shit-ton of merch for Activision, but it's a juggernaut aimed squarely at kids. It's kind of like arguing that the Imagine games are

I enjoyed both of those games, and Fez is adorable, but at the end of the day Dr. Fetus > Gomez, no matter how susceptible you are to cuteness.

Halo was fun, but it had nothing at all on Rainbow Six 3. Jesus, that thing was justification enough for the Xbox to exist (alongside KOTOR, Otogi, and Unreal Championship II: the Liandri Conflict).

Hahaha, nicely done. I'm sure that's how a lot of folks will respond, regardless.

The title is an Archer reference. Yes! I AM COMMANDEERING THIS AIRBOAT.

Every non-linkspam article on Gizmodo anymore is about this kid or John McAfee. I've no problem avoiding them, and usually choose to do so (and it's totally Gizmodo's right to cover whatever they want)... but can we please get some actual articles about other topics to supplement these two stories?

That's the thing, though... unless you want to buy in to the heavily limited and modified Amazon ecosystem, there simply ISN'T anything else worth considering for $200ish outside of the Nexus 7. Sure, there are the occasional deep discount deals (like Costco inexplicably launching the $450MSRP Toshiba Excite 10 for

I am a bit abashed to admit I hadn't even considered for a situation like yours. Indeed, there is much more to it than just chops, and I appreciate your well-considered and ably stated response. Sometimes it's difficult, to conceive of that there are lives so different from your own. It's good to realise it.

Vote: Nexus 7.

I don't have much of an opinion about the newest iPhone's durability, although it does look like you're super hard on devices, Sam... but I am more interested in seeing the same thing done with the Nexus 4. I LOVE mine to death, but between the faux chrome finish and the two sheets of glass I'm almost terrified to

See, there are good hires (Google + Matias Duarte) and there are bad hires (the guy who was hell-bent on skeuomorphing iOS into oblivion and the guy who alienated everyone he ever worked with at Microsoft). I'm just waiting for someone to throw a truckload of money J Allard's way... I think THAT would be a smart hire.

It just needs to be sideloaded... just another casualty of Android's tablet software deficiency. Stuff will work perfectly well on tablet, but the Play Store won't list tablet devices as being compatible. Luckily most apks aren't too hard to find online, but it would be nice to see Google be a bit more proactive about

To this day, one of my favorite commercials ever. So rad.

What are you talking about? Are you drunk? The article SPECIFICALLY mentions that the phone, while designed to take full advantage of T-Mobile's 42.2 HSPA+ rollout, will also work on A&T or any other GSM carrier. At no point in the article did he suggest it would work on Sprint... only you mentioned Sprint in any way.

The whole thing has been more than a bit self-serving on Gizmodo's part— but it's been a fairly interesting string of articles, and it's still nothing like as bad as the shit Geller pulls at BGR with the constant use of the word "EXCLUSIVE".

The email can take a while, but Wallet should have shown the order pretty well immediately if it went through.

Hahaha, that is precious. Apple is apparently SERIOUS BUSINESS.

Using PageMonitor I got in the moment the page went live... I was targeting the 8GB since I use Google Music exclusively, don't really do many podcasts, and save all my gaming for my Nexus 7. Got to the end of checkout when the Play Store went sideways... thirty-two minutes of failure later, I finally got mine. Now