wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

No offense, but that smacks of a lot of defeatist nonsense. Not that I don't get the points you're making, or that I don't have at least a rudimentary understanding of your positions, but you seem hell-bent on framing the entire discussion in the most negative, dismissive way possible. Yes, privilege exists.

I didn't take her omission of the obvious as a denigration. You did. I'm unsure either of us is explicitly right or wrong, and I get that yours is a valid interpretation... I'd like to feel mine is too. People certainly have the right to be upset; I guess I just feel like when this site wants to empower women to do

It's kind of hilarious that your response validates her entire statement... you say the name of the movement has taken on negative connotations among some people. And in the same sentence you admit it's factually accurate. Which is, um, almost word for word what Marissa Mayer said.

Except that no-where in any of the provided material did she deny that oppression, or those struggles. Unless you're going to interpret her decision not to discuss those issues as a denial that they actually exist... which I think is a serious stretch.

Yeah, that might not happen. Ever.

It isn't as though I lack the capacity to understand your dismissive argument... was it not so obvious that I simply find it farcical on its face? I well understand that you're referring to the category of men being privileged and you're not wrong... but the feminism you're touting is so far removed from 'equal

Well, KICK ASS. Because I, personally, can't really do any of those things either— although, I mean I guess I could rape someone, but I'm certainly just as unlikely to as the average woman to do so. So by your standard, I'm fucking golden. I literally can not be a misogynist, since I specifically lack the ability to

That's just silly. The Nexus S (assuming you're talking the actual Nexus S , the i9020T/A, and not the S4G WiMax monstrosity.... tldr: CDMA devices, despite Google's wishy-washy stance on it, should NOT be considered AOSP canon) can essentially run the SDK build of ICS. And then just flash your radio. It was available

That's delightfully absurdist logic there. At first I had a good laugh, then I was all agape when I realised you were actually serious. If I argued that black-on-white racism (which exists as surely as white-on-black racism, and only a born fool would try to deny it) couldn't possibly be a real thing because while

Snacktaku is easily the best part of the site these days. Fahey, excellent work as usual. I wasn't sure you could top your recent review of the strawberry, but you managed to confound my expectations. Luckily, I've learned to keep away from drinks while reading, lest I manage to accidentally murder myself with


The stock Jellybean build of Chrome is right up your alley then. Enhanced Quick Controls mean EVERYTHING is happening offscreen. Full-screen all the time. There's not even any UI to theme. Just the Internet.

VOTE: Jellybean Chrome.

If your phone is only on ICS, you don't know Chrome. The Jellybean build is so much better... they redid the Quick Controls from the stock ICS browser... and put them on steroids.

As would I. Definitely one of the most underappreciated (and wonderful) titles for the original Xbox. I'm a little surprised that Microsoft have left it alone.

I think the essence of worthwhile DLC is simple: that, done properly, it entices you back into a world you've had your fill of. Shivering Isles did that for me, I guess— although I think it wasn't as strong as either of Morrowind's two expansions— and some of the Fallout 3 content suckered me back in, as well... but


Aww GEEZ, man, you made it sound like such a bad thing! But I mean, what about LEGION? I couldn't just kill his family!

I found most of the characters compelling. There were a few I found relatively irredeemable— Kaiden (until the third game), Ashley (who died on Virmire after it became obvious she wanted to kill Wrex), Zaeed, Hackett, and maybe Miranda— but the rest were pretty aces for me. Especially Tali, Legion, Garrus, Mordin, and

But that's the problem— you've arbitrarily decided how much of the finale is "the ending". You said two minutes— and that's fine, but what if someone else said the last five minutes? The last hour? The last fifteen seconds?