wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

Dark Void is decidedly not worth $20. It's been on clearance at most stores for months already (not that it's any indication of the game's quality)... but in this case, even clearance prices aren't a great deal. That game is just not very good at all.

Achievement Unlocked: It's A Gruel, Gruel World.

@Tebasaki: I see what you mean, my friend. However, there seems to be an option to waitlist it... seems the remaining "available" quantity is currently in customers' carts... but if you waitlist it (the offer ends in about thirty minutes) and some of the customers currently considering it opt out, you'll get a

@heytherefancypants: If you removed all the ads and nagware in Yahoo mail, you'd have a blank page.

@Tebasaki: That's because you're not looking at the Lightning Deals section. Go to the main Amazon page, then the Black Friday ads, then Video Games, then the Black Friday navigator will have all the games listed. They're not doing it as a price change on the SKU this year... instead, it's a discount that is added to

@derkbryant: Fair enough, and an important clarification, you're right. They'll definitely do in a pinch. Cheers!

@derkbryant: I just don't get using an HDTV as a monitor. Unless you're talking 1080p and the television is tiny, the pixel density is just awful. There's a reason 28" and larger monitors run at 2560x1600.

I think it's another game starring Vin Diesel as a bad guy in a bad town doing bad things. Hopefully this one will be more like Escape From Butcher Bay and less like Wheelman.

@Angel7ED: The only change Prototype needed (for me, at least) was to reimplement the online co-op that the game had early in its development (actually, the co-op remained until Activision bought the title from Sierra, I believe). If I could've just played with a buddy I would've gladly suffered the game's other

@d_r_e: Agreed. The newer stuff is just terribly inane... and that's not a terrible thing (I like a lot of inane stuff), except it seems inane and half-assed.

@Massiso: No, it's the Playbook. It's a future product, but it was unveiled a month ago, or more.

A Playbook, augmented reality, pixelation effects... it's like a geek's RSS feed vomited onto a music video. This is just a giant commercial. And the (woefully uninspired) cover-er-tribute-song is not too great... actually, it's probably better to say it's just not my style at all. But good on them, if someone else

I hope they don't... and it's not because I believe they couldn't make compelling upgrades to the series in a year's time. I just don't believe I'd maintain interest in something that was released every single year. I need a little bit of time away from a series before I want to jump back in— even for series I

@kicking222: I take no exception to questioning a comment's quality... I do, however, object lightly when it's robed in a pitying display of self-aggrandisement; here it's while I've made many intelligent comments that get ignored.

@ClaudioIphigenia: Please don't. This isn't the place for sulky back-patting. That comment was funny, and you ought to simply congratulate those readers who've made it into WIC this week... or hold your tongue if you find yourself unable to say something nice.

It looks pretty good, a pretty enjoyable rental. I just can't get past wishing Criterion were working on a new, non-open world Burnout title instead.

Well, it's better than Tony Hawk Shred, by all accounts.

I guess it's good to see EA being candid about Elite, but it's not terribly illusive anyway... I'd prefer to hear more details from them about how willing they were— or how obligated they felt by costs incurred— to release this thing anyway when it was obviously not in any state fit for sale.

@AmanOfSomeSort: Steam's sales are better... but being able to use Microsoft Points to buy games on GFWLM (my, that's a mouthtful) is pretty awesome.