wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!

I'll be playing a little Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions and a little LOTRO.

@LANjackal: I didn't mind the lack of an offline mode for Evernote at all... I mean, I'm pretty much always in data territory when I need access to my notes. But I still decided to switch to Springpad. It's just more responsive, and I got a few weird hangups when trying to sync Evernote back to the cloud. I'm sure

This is a pretty neat undertaking. I appreciate the guidelines, Whitson.

I was kind of leaning toward Move, even though the launch library is a bit craptastic. But then dragons, Grasshopper, and Steel Battalion emerged from the aether, and now I'm thinking Kinect.

Damn it. I was fully prepared to watch Kinect sail on by, and suddenly we've got Grasshopper and From reeling me right back in. Goodbye, disposable income, I'm remember our brief time together kindly.

@syrdax: I'm with you. I have a real difficult time viewing more than maybe the first two hundred comments of any article. After that it usually just spins out endlessly. It's really disappointing when there's a really popular article like the Halo: Reach review, and we can't view most of the comments.

Hm. It's nice to see that Apple understands a social connectivity hub for iPod and iPhone games is valuable, but with the LIVE integration on WP7S inching ever closer to LIVE Anywhere, everything I've read so far makes me feel this attempt is far too little on Apple's part.

@JRock: You're right, of course. It's all going to be dependent on the northbridge on the motherboard. Most of the current boards you'll find— unless they're pretty new— are going to use one of the AMD bridges that supports CrossfireX at 8/8 rather than 16/16. But last generation there were a lot that split to x/4,

@Fvash: You certainly don't need to upgrade that rapidly. And while I'm already considering it, I probably won't choose to do so for another few months— in all, I probably swap setups every year or so, but that's largely because I'm an enthusiast.

@JRock: You'd see more than a little bottlenecking on the 4x lane. But 16/16 is more or less identical to 8/8 in nearly every circumstance. Tom's Hardware did a really thorough test on this about a year ago and determined that shelling out for a new motherboard that supported 16/16 was not at all cost-effective, even

@ginazninja: Agreed. This is neat, but the 450 is months too late. I've been rocking dual Vapor-X 5770s since February and am now figuring out my next upgrade. Nvidia need to hurry up.

That's very nicely appointed, but it's so far removed from the typical student apartment that it's nearly comical. Very pretty, though.

If you remove the bloat from iTunes for Windows you're left with...

I just use FormatFactory. It has presets that work for Android devices, and it's super-easy to set the resolution.

The song isn't U2's worst— that dubious honor still lies with 'Discotheque'— but it's decidedly forgettable.

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): In the second act she abstains from the big fight between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, choosing instead to protect Norman Osborn's questionably obtained artworks.

So close, yet so far. You know who else is a former Microsoft man, and happens to be totally in between gigs right now?

@Ghinn: Oblivion GOTY is the most heavily borrowed game in history. I only know one person who ever bought the thing and it seems like he then loaned it out to every other person who ever lived. Having your infinite-install expansions on a second disc that isn't required to play the game might be a bad way to

@Mark Dygert: Parts of your argument are quite sensible, and some are nonsense. Particularly the parts involving the payment scheme for LIVE. Points, frankly, beat out real currency every way possible. There is no "crazy conversion chart"... unless you consider "eighty points equals one dollar" particularly taxing.

@An Atheist Jew: I will meet you there. I'm long recovered of my MMO days, but I am a willing participant in my descent into The Old Republic madness.