Train Dodger

The level design really helps with the realism, I think. A lot of games out there feature buildings that seem purpose-built to funnel you into the action, whereas the apartments, homes, warehouses and offices in this game feel like places that people actually lived and worked in.

Not to be obtuse, but what's the difference between using an unlicensed map in a video game and incidentally filming one in the background on a TV show? Are the intellectual property police going to start going through live-action productions with a fine-tooth comb to determine what passes muster and what doesn't?

A lot of people look like Ellen Page. She that same generic, neotenous baby-face that you see all over the goddamned place.

Yeah, you're born with one. It's got one joystick and two bumpers.

All of them. They were gonna cut a little girl's head open. Fuck 'em.

On the one hand, I agree about how the plot was well-resolved and self-contained. On the other, I really want to see what Naughty Dog can do with the PS4's power in this amazing setting they've created.

I don't get what the fuss was about. In the actual comic, the one complaining about being raped by Dickwolves was a dude, but a ton of ladies still came out of nowhere and dogpiled Krahulik and Holkins, trying to make it into a woman thing, because STATISTICS. That whole drama was completely bizarre to watch.

Getting their junk stuck, you mean. Such an obvious pun, and you missed it.

Now playing

I think I'm The Trollstorm. I don't actually say anything rude during matches, though, because I'm too busy using the most overpowered weapons and cheapest tactics to rack up dozens of points.

When I posted this, the headline and body said "The Order 1866", when it should have said "The Order 1886". They fixed it already.

Uhh, doesn't that trailer say 1886?

Here's what it says on the back:

I have both a Model M 1391401 and a Unicomp Customizer 104, and the Model M has much better build quality.

Of course the Demon King would know about working part-time. How else do you become the Demon King?

You should finish it. It builds up to a pretty kickass ending. I won't spoil it, but I will say that your fears are pretty much unfounded.

I second this. If I ever get old and decrepit, it's straight to virtual reality la-la land for me. Just hope my heart can handle Halo 28.

I buy real guns. From real gun manufacturers. Why should I give a damn if a video game developer pays those same companies cold, hard cash for the right to depict fake ones?

What I've always wondered is why more developers don't self-finance and self-publish. Some of the industry's greatest efforts have come from studios that are essentially a division of their respective publishing houses, like Nintendo, Sega Wow/Overworks, Rockstar, Valve, etc.

As a guy (well - a gender-dysphoric guy), I don't understand high heels. I think square-heeled loafers and boots look practical and sexy, but pumps? Just looking at women wearing them makes my feet hurt. I mean, who are they trying to impress?