Train Dodger

Actually, given the threat that they're facing, I don't find it at all strange that their body armor is so thick and goofy-looking. Covenant weapons shoot a high-energy plasma that melts and burns through everything in its way. Modern-day Kevlar would be totally ineffective. The only thing that can stop it is thick

This news makes my nipples very, very hard. I am practically seething with anticipation.

This reminds me of when Alexander Seropian left Bungie to form Wideload Games. They released Stubbs the Zombie and Hail to the Chimp, and then got bought up by Disney, and then Seropian left Disney and Wideload to their own devices. Happens every time. Kinda works like this:

Damn, if he wasn't such a self-important jerk, I'd think he was quite a hunk. And I'm a guy.

That sounds like an accurate description of my dad. Shit, this guy even looks similar. Spooky.

Look, let me make myself very clear; if a twelve-year-old girl is dating someone twice her age, then her parents must have screwed up somewhere. If they failed to inculcate values in her that would cause her to reject such a relationship, then they aren't doing their job.

And hey, I agree with that sentiment. When I was around that age, I may have thought I knew how the world worked, and to a certain extent, I did. However, I didn't know how the people around me felt as they went about their daily lives. Didn't know what went on in their heads. Couldn't see too far beyond my own

When I was six, I knew how to operate a MIG welding machine unsupervised, which I used to weld assorted scrap metal into sculptures. Sometimes, I think people really underestimate the ability of children to understand the world they live in and respond to it in meaningful ways. Or, more to the point, they fear the

No, I'm not joking. That was seriously a real concept on the drawing board back then. It could easily have been built and deployed using technology from that time period. Project Rho's Atomic Rockets page is not the kind of outright lunacy and new-age pseudo-science you'd expect from Jeff Rense or Alex Jones. They

The nuclear space battleship wasn't some crazy conspiracy theory, it was a very real project:

I know it sounds like a bit of a conspiracy theory, but as far as I can tell, the Arab Spring was intentionally fomented by agents provocateurs planted by the CIA and/or Mossad. I mean, we know the CIA was on the ground in Libya long before Gaddafi was lynched. There were rumors that they were using high-tech

You want to talk about foreign policy mistakes, supporting the protesters and fundamentalists instead of backing their secular governments during this so-called Arab Spring was perhaps one of the biggest blunders I've ever seen.

Uhh, last I checked, the topic of the news article was, in fact, politics and religion.

Now playing

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Islam is bigotry. Every bit as much as the Ku Klux Klan. As a matter of fact, the central texts of all three major Abrahamic religions are all manuals for bigotry, racism, classism and misogyny. We have Islam in particular to thank for such things as honor killings, the

It would take a LOT of usage for gaming to kill an SSD. All SSDs should last at least 5 years even under very heavy usage with a lot of writes and caching.

After getting literally raped for the millionth time by a Black Phantom (seriously, that's what the Humanity-stealing grab maneuver with the Dark Hand looks like; they should call it the Molester's Hand), I just ripped the network cable out of the back of my machine.

"The people we've spoken to [about the game] here in Amsetrdam (sic), we just never hit that intensity of disagreement."

It's common knowledge:

Each instance of copyright infringement does not directly translate into a lost sale. The actual figure is something like less than one in ten who would actually have made a purchase had they no other choice. In fact, file-sharing serves as free advertising for unknown artists and game developers. That exposure alone