
Only thing I can think of, is that he had some sort of on-site warranty repair option.

I don't think those were too widespread when this was first planned out...

And the white house burned, burned, burned. And we're the ones that did it, it burned, burned, burned. While the president ran and cried, it burned, burned, burned. And things were very historical, and the Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies WaWaWa!!!!! In the war of 1812.

Come back proud Canadian's, to before you had TV. No hockey night in Canada, there was no CBC. In 1812 Madison was mad, he was the president you know. Well he thought he'd tell the British where they ought to go. He thought he'd invade Canada, he thought that he was tough.Instead we went to Washington, and burned down

From the sounds of it, it was a plan of attack that was almost ready to go in to action if Hitler hadn't stepped up.

And wasn't there a bar brawl as well, where the only person arrested was an American who showed up late?

My car has an auto-up for the driver window (only). Its a 2010 Ford Fusion.

If I actually HAD money, I would.

So, a bandage over the problem instead of having it properly fixed...

Would you still want a Veyron if the brakes didn't work, and when you stepped on the accelerator, the car went from 0-maximum velocity and you had no way of stopping it?


Winter sports aside, it'll also destroy food supplies!

When was this?

Um.. If you have physical access to my computer, and I have the admin passwords set, and force you to use a limited account, you can't change my password!

SOD off ya wanker! Why don't you do some research before jumping to conclusions!

Oh you have no idea.

But you can. Mythbusters had the misfortune of testing that one! They got them to be pretty shiny.

swype left, swype right. or press?

I've ridden my bike while wearing headphones and listening to music once. It lasted 15min. I couldn't do it. The volume setting required so that I could hear my music would cause me to be unable to hear anything else around me, which would scare the crap out of me. This is a horrible idea! Horrible, horrible!

Ah yes, you're right. I was thinking Spock at first, but ya. He made Spock acting captain and Kirk first officer.