Bacon grease and Jack shot!
Bacon grease and Jack shot!
Its beautiful when you see it at night from the air!
Do not plate the Lord's name in vain!
The hotdog had a cream filled centre!
Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon strips! Bacon…
Punch him in the balls for all of us. Please.
I think you forgot your sarcasm tag. Unless you're trollbaiting
Its been so long I've almost forgotten...
Mine too... But I have about 38 tabs open...
As long as you keep them closed, they'll be fine. Plus I figure if there's an emergency that would cause the power to go out, Waffle House would be burning through supplies as everyone would be there for food and shelter!
He is my hero!
Hell, I'd do that without drinking it.
Maybe I'm just really tired, but your comment is hilarious!
*dons a tinfoil hat*
+1 To you sir!
Why do you need electricity to use a gas stove? Gas stoves don't require electricity. Use a match to light the burner, and you're set! I don't see the issue here.
Hey Gizmodo, you said you were going to stop calling gadgets sexy! []
Or the bees! Or the hounds with bees in their mouths, and when they bark they shoot bees at you!
Only lulzsec and anonymous also release the information of hundreds and thousands of innocent people. Ya, They sure are great!