
The 360 has a tri-core Xeon CPU, and the PS3 has, what 6 "core" Cell processor? So a quad-core isn't all that impressive in the grand scheme of things.

I think you mean S-Video, which doesn't do 480p, you need at minimum component cables. SVHS was a replacement for the VHS Cassette. It was introduced by JVC in Japan in April 1987 with the HR-S7000 VCR and certain overseas markets soon afterwards.

Why would you need HD Video Conference?

Exactly. And I think there needs to be a good balance between the hardware's capabilities and the software that is being played on it. I find that a lot of the games on all 3 consoles are a lot of the same stuff over and over and over again. FPS' are a dime a dozen everywhere, and its nice to be able to sit back and

It shall be a journey full of danger and almost certain death. Not everyone will return alive. And remember, Don't look in to its eyes or listen to its voice or you will be turned in to one of them...

torture would be Fox "news"

Remove the head!

North Korea, is best Korea! #sarcasm



Hurr duh hurr

Who's Holly shit?

"unless we're talking space warfare or something"

Only WEP? *yawn* Wasn't that done already, a long time ago?

No worries.

They wouldn't have even finished asking if I wanted the job, I'd be packed and headed out the door to become the next Rocket Man!

Being an astronaut is the reward for the years and years of hard work, training, competition, etc. Being one of a select few people around the world who gets to travel beyond the confines of our atmosphere in to the great unknown!

I'd say that Astronaut trumps Top Gear UK host...

Well, they do eject the waste in to space afaik.

It was a humorous reference to (Star Trek) First Contact, which took place on April 5th 2063. 52 years in to the future.