
@slamdance: I too played with the Move, only it was 2 weekends ago. I wasn't too impressed with it, and felt that my Wii with the motion plus attachment did pretty much the same thing.

@commander_k: Same here! I'm glad that the remake was squashed (or it should be)

@Brownski: You've never met a hardcore Apple freak then have you... They will wait until the end of time to get the latest (and greatest?) Apple device.

@CSVM: 1. Sell Black iPhone 4 now

@MixMac: Thats what I thought too!

Looking at that picture of the cancer cells gave me chills.

@Alexander Riccio: Tap the SIDE of the can a few times. This lets the bubbles release to the top and they'll escape when you open the can without taking all of the contents with it! (Food Detectives FTW)

@Architectin: Ya, 'cause you TOTALLY can't see the ISS from earth, and space shuttle launches were TOTALLY faked, and then there's the laser bit to the moon, the fact we can see the lunar landers, etc.

@Squalor: You forgot Kazam!

Now, is this in addition to the existing HD (720p) with 5.1 surround movies that I can already stream without a disc on my PS3 or is this an existing feature that is being toted as brand new?

@macron1: Which one do you think is weird? Or do you mean teeth?

@Archaotic: True. I was having so much fun playing the demo last night, and with me just getting over a cold my voice has dropped a bit. As I was playing the way I was laughing was just like The Emperor in Return of the Jedi. Eventually my wife said to me "All right Emperor. Time for you to go to bed." Was fun...

@Archaotic: Oh it's awesome. I noticed in this one you can decapitate and dismember your enemies. I don't remember being able to do that in the first one...

Is it just me, or does that 2nd image in this article (game shot), Nathan Drake's facial expression look just like something that Nathan Fillion would do?

Is it just me, or does Patric Stewart's voice make everything better?