
@jiveabillion: Those responsible for the sacking, have themselves, been sacked!

@Altaira: That's all well and good for you yanks, but us Canucks didn't have access to Hulu unless we used a US proxy!

@Papsky: Same here. And my mom would get pissed at my brother and I if we'd correct her. "This isn't a Nintendo mom, it's Dreamcast/Playstation/PS2/watching a movie"

Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... Human.

I can't wait for the next Adblock type add-on to block Captcha ads. So far I've got one that blocks ads and text based ads...

@Grahmo: Must be because you have a txt plan. When carriers started the "charge for incoming sms" it was only if you didn't have a texting plan on your plan.

@Rawrnosaourous: Yours too? Mine got me in to trouble in highschool a lot.

I didn't find Degeneration too scary, but did enjoy the film (I'm a fan of CGI films anyway. Especially the photorealistic ones). I'll be keeping my eye open for this to show up on Blu-Ray!

I really hope that that piece of shit doesn't get the death penalty. For if they do, then there's really no real punishment (IMO). For something like this, they should be reminded day in, and day out, that they are responsible for the deaths of 3 people!

@fupa17: You sir are amazing! thank you so much!

This reminds me of Thunderbirds, or 1942 (or 1941) so much! I love it!

@fupa17: That mod is awesome. I play it from time to time. And the music is great updates to the classics (If you know where I can get copies of the music used in that mod I will be forever greatful)

@neMouse: I remember seeing that episode when it first aired, and was in complete and utter shock. 'cause all they showed was the ship being hit, and picard shouting "ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP! ALL HANDS ABANDON...." and then the Enterprise exploding!

@jcraig: I'm talking about your first word. Gay. What are you, in grade 9 or something?

There goes another race of beings that we'll never meet...