
Talk about shitty Apple quality control. We've got this app that gets the OK and goes on sale, yet we've got other apps that are perfectly harmless and perform a function that get pulled...

I don't think I've played ME2 past the 4hr mark. The constant mining and excavating, and buying probes and fuel, the fact that weapons have gone back in technology with requiring ammo clips now, and the poor leveling system really turned me off the game. I want to play it, to continue the story, but all the other crap

@mechashadow: From what my brother told me (who has a Mac), Portal is absolute garbage on the Mac. from textures to visuals to frame rates. he's sporting a 4870 in his Mac too, so he's got a fair bit of GPU horsepower. So sure it may be free, but it's a free garbage version of an awesome game...

I found that if you get on a good server. With people that play the game for fun and aren't the wacko nutjobs, use voice properly (not those that just pump rap crap through) and work as a team, Counter-Strike can be a very fun game.

@Adam Spano: Isn't it the same kit from CS 1.6?

@JGab: But the Super Nintendo was an awesome system! I love my SNES

I'm curious as to how this movie compares to the game of the same name. As I've never played any of the Prince of Persia games (aside from the old DOS side scroller), I'm not sure. We'll have to get a review done of the movie by someone that's played the game!

@BeerManMike: They call me little John. But in real life, I'm very big!

I avoided the PSP altogether for ages, and then last May (2009) I picked up a used Silver PSP-2000 (hmm... I wonder why that specific colour and model).

A lot of MMO's out there now, I've noticed, are having a hard time because of WoW. Blizzard created an amazing MMO from one of their best IPs. I forget how many millions of subscribers to WoW there are. Heck, there was a South Park episode based around WoW (Make love not warcraft).

@SutapaHornet: How is STO ruining the Star Trek franchise? I've been playing since the closed beta, and find that STO does a very good job of telling one of many stories in the Star Trek universe (and believe me, from the books along, the stories and tangents that Star Trek goes on is almost infinite).

I love how Apple seems to base a lot of their arguments on "It's not an iPod/iPhone/iPad/iCrap therefore it's worthless and you should avoid it like the plague!", as if that's the only reason why someone buys the device. Mind you, there are the mactards out there that buy ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that comes from Apple,

I find that Facebook really went in to the shitter once they started up with all the apps and everything. If it was just a social meeting place, that'd be fine, but the fact that it's now become the biggest time waster since Solitaire, I'm contemplating canceling my account...

@bowen13: I like to jam with ham and spam!

@Fenlain: You can buy SD cards up to 16GB and I think larger. I've got a 16GB MicroSD card in my HTC Magic. Unless you meant to say "can't buy SD cards smaller than 2GB"

@firemac: wow... I can't come up with anything else. That was awesome!

Now, all they need to do, is make this a feature length film! I loved the cinematography. And how the action slowed down for the really big hits.

Now thats what I call...