
Yeah, is he any relation to James of the Jim-Jam-Jeeters?

Funny thing is that the government at the time was led by a very conservative faction. Those pushing for prohibition were doing so on "moral grounds" and were mostly lead by religious leaders. These groups pressured lawmakers in to pushing for prohibition. Poisonings happened because lawmakers, officials elected

Another example of inadequate government regulation allowing unscrupulous private business to victimize their customers to make a buck. See how that works? You can readily spin it either way.

I'll never be 1/100th the badass she is.

and I was just complaining about how I had a hard time waking up this morning...I'm an asshole

As a pack a day smoker up until August of last year I can say it's worth the investment. My fiance, my father, a couple co-workers, and my future mother-in-law have all quit smoking using vaporizers as well, and I find myself using it less and less now.

I vape, haven't had a cigarette in over a year, and am down to swapping between 0-6mg nicotine. As soon as I get over the oral fixation I plan to quit vaping too. I also only vape in designated smoking areas, and treat it as I would a cigarette - not near doors, in bars, near kids, etc etc. Annoys the shit out of me

Haters gonna hate in the comments, but the bottom line is I smoked for nearly 20 years and tried every imaginable method to quit. Cold turkey, gum, pills and patches - nothing helped. Since the day I started vaping I haven't had a single cigarette. I was able to quit instantaneously using these products, so Uncle

Do it today. You can stop inhaling burned tobacco, forever, IMMEDIATELY. The anti-vape nannies want you to suffer for your nicotine addiction, they would rather you die than have a safer substitute.

I'll start off by saying I dont vape. I bought one of the blu ecigs once, it was ok. But I'm willing to bet that a majority of the "hate" comments here are from people who have never smoked a cigarette or packed a lip of chew in their lives. Its one thing to have an opinion, but its another to take the "holier than

well true that should be common courtesy. And most vapors I know have half a brain to be a bit more considerate not to smoke in public places or around people unless given permission (my friends dont mind me vaping when hanging out with them for example).

wow why so much hate in the comments? :/

growing body of evidence

There is no gender equality represented here. There would be if as you assert Barbie was actually "knowledgeable" about computers. She's not. She's a visual designer who is completely clueless about software or hardware engineering, or in fact basic things like rebooting her computer. Fair do's, I'm also a visual

What garbage this is.It paints both men and woman is poor light. flipped up collar,girl stealing credit for something from a guy,glasses on Miss Smith and a lab coat (for what?).The list goes on forever.We wonder why the world has so many problems theses days.Also telling people they can do anything they want is a bit

We can only hope that one of them doesn't boast,"My other laptop is a boy!"

Heat, light, and air will all destroy LSD, and it doesn't take much of either to get the job done.

Walter, what have you done?

It happened in Florida; there is no mystery here.