
Thank you for your words. With so much public focus on things like "the cycle of violence", it's incredibly important for people to be reminded that the majority of kids who grow up in abusive households turn out to be kind, compassionate, loving human beings.

Man, you know, when you grow up with an abusive parent, having the empathy and humanity that this guy shows is the biggest fuck you to a parent's destructive bullshit. I had a very abusive father and I'm not comparing (though you know, this does definitely trigger thoughts about my life), but there is nothing more

I keep tweeting her that the idea of a "Negro-themed" fancy-dress party would be a good idea, but she won't take the bait.

The early church was definitely advocating chaste marriages. I've run across that from many different sources over the years. Same-sex unions seems quite possible and even likely from what I've studied about the early church. It was just so very different than what we think of as Christianity today. They were really

It's not likely most people of the time would have felt physical relations between two men were impossible. Paul mentions it directly in his letter to the Romans (Romans 1:24-27), so the Christian Church had opinions on it very early on. It's possible if the early Church was advocating sexless heterosexual marriage,

It wasn't sustained by one man's argument though - the Hindu council criticised her which is why she apolgised. You seem to be hellbent on defending her crappy behaviour though god knows why. And I note you didn't bother to counter the rest of my argument. When a white (or white passing in Gomez's case) person puts a

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Lack of oxygen will cause you to make stupid jokes:

"So many people have been shocked when I've told them that the term "gypped" comes from "gypsy" and is pretty friggin rude."

Upgrade? Sounds more like a lateral move.

I didn't see any Indian people defending her. I know lots of Hindu Indian women who were angered by her misuse of the bindi. Also yes Zed may be a problematic individual but that doesn't mean his opinion isn't right. As a brown non-Hindu woman who gets idiotic white people saying namaste to me on a regular basis I can

Speak for yourself, I'm a minority and this definitely annoys me.

I think that the blackface of Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder was making fun of the practice, making it as offensive and ridiculous as it actually is. Otherwise, yes.

I wonder how Selena would feel if one of her white friends threw a Mexican themed birthday party since she is half Mexican herself. Or what if one of her friends decided to appropriate Mexican culture because it's ~like so funny lolol

and thats why you dont get a sunroof

Hm, that pun was pretty rocky but I think I'll let is slide for now.

CCTV footage is always your best bet if you want to see good dirt on someone.

Wow, finally someone who doesn't think they know better than God.

Not to mention, you can think Trayvon Martin's murder was wrong and also think it's wrong that this baby, and Natalie Holloway and whatever other white-victim-of-the-week you want to name were murdered.

He wrote a clever comment on io9, only to realize someone with his same avatar had written the same thing on Reddit 48 hours earlier.

I could hardly contain my excitement when my wife came home, and I went to show her that I had just finished and saved the final edit of my novel I had been working on for 6 months. File not found!