
Thanks! I thought I was losing my mind...grew up in WA state, and I know damned well that some friends and I used to skip school, get stoned, and watch this, well before Power Rangers. Good to know that it really WAS playing in the states, and it isn’t just my mind going on me. ;)

That is so awesome! :)

We called it the Escape Fund! LOL

It’s so, so important that we talk to our kids about this- good on you, for doing it! Mine are only 11 & 9, but then, they’ve had “girlfriends” since they were like, 3, so I figured it might be smart to start talking about things like this nice and early. :) We started talking about this about a year ago, and same

I agree with you, Mia. Look at the supply chain, how many goods come into west coast ports. That’s only the beginning. If the west coast goes down, PLENTY of bad stuff is going to happen to the east, too.

What’s left of my immediate family (other than my kids, of course) live over there. It’s where I grew up. Many of our friends live over there. It’s where my husband’s birth-family lives....

YES! ^ THIS! I grew up in the 80’s, so I know exactly what you’re talking about. Those movies were mind-bending for my folks...and really, for us kids, too. Sally Jessie Raphael, Phil Donahue, and even later, Oprah helped to bring the discussions home, too. I can still remember in the very early 90’s, when I was on

Thank you! I try to explain this to my kids (both are boys), and they look at me with their jaws dropped, in stunned disbelief. It’s hard even to explain to folks 10 or more years my junior. They find this unfathomable, but you’re right- this really is how it was. Our culture, flawed though it is, has improved

Wait, what caused the Sprite bottle to explode? I have altered sensation in one finger- cut the tip off with a French knife, while working in a kitchen, and then wasn’t able to get it sewed back on for a couple of hours (the emergency room was pretty crowded that day)- I have total sympathy for you!

What, the family jewels...?

Ah, the sweet call of the Idahoan Fouth of July redneck: “Hey, hold my beer and watch this!”

Not too crazy about the stuff, for eating as-is, but holy crackers, yogurt is GREAT for making English muffin dough!

This sounds like many weddings from my neck of the woods. :)

Whaaa? Really? Please don’t be kidding, that sounds awful/great! :D

There’s a reason glitter is known as craft-herpes, my friend.

Don’t worry. It won’t be a Homophobic Gazelle. It’ll be a Batshit Trash-alope. :) They can’t run very fast, bogged down as they are by misinformation and narrow little thoughts. Also, their hearts are simply too tiny to allow them much in the way of stamina.

Oh, wow...I didn’t realize the Foxies were *trying* to get ISIS to love them! XD

WHOA! That is SO Godzilla-esque! :D

Look up the history of the Catholic church, 1200’s-1300’s. They even had their own popes on the chessboard of history. :) Really, the U.S. and other recent players are...well, recent. ;)

Oh my, yes. I’d join. I’m a former, a mom, and secretly gay. Delicious. Sadly, I dislike knitting.