
Nowadays the hats can be black or white- the governor of Idaho frequently makes ads/TV and media appearances in a black cowboy hat. Of course, he has no idea how much the agricultural community laughs at him for it- but he still does it. It seems to be an intermountain west thing. (BTW- the gov I'm referring to is

I'm not a big snake fan or anything, but this is rather pretty. Makes me a little more fond of rattlesnakes! :)

God, I hate rom-coms. Like, seriously LOATHE them. Maybe this is unfeminine or whatever, but...MORE EXPLOSIONS, please! And tractor-pulls. Tractor-pulls are so, so underrated in today's television programming. :)

*Giggling* God, it can't be the same guy...I mean, it's been like, 20 years, but...he sounds so much like one of my exes! This makes me appreciate my current life so much more. :)

Middlemarch. I actually read that damned book, and can't recall jack about it. However, in my defense, I was all of 22, maybe, and was very much enamored with alcohol, so...yeah. Not exactly the only thing I've forgotten about. ;)

Thank you! That was great! :)

Mine, too. There is a giganta-huge tote box filled with all of the Legos. The boys request certain kits as gifts *only* to get particular pieces to add to the collection. It is a Box Of Creation, not a bunch of Lego sets! :)

Why can't I? People are allowed to disbelieve in climate change, the fact that Plan B doesn't cause abortions, and in the Giant Spaghetti Monster.

That. Is. Awesome.

Please, do! That would be excellent!

Did anybody else see the guy's picture and just think to themselves, "God, he looks like a petulant child-man!"? There's just something about the dude's face that screams "not my fault, OK?!" to me.

Thank you for the clarification- what a beautifully-worded reply! I curtsy in your direction. :)

Thank you- I was thinking, I've seen this on the beaches where I grew up, and there was no mystery involved- beach fires + garbage = "plastic rocks". We knew what this was, 30+ years ago, so why the mystery now...?

"That sling is then attached to the ribs and breast bone with titanium anchors and surgical threads."

Amazing, isn't it...? It's OK to throw money at the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY, but we aren't allowed to toss some towards education. What a f*ing waste. :/


Wait, was this a threesome? you did my brother, then? That was his favorite car. For obvious reasons.

Thank you! :)

*Laughing too hard to keep from making snorting noises*