Mine did, too- Grandpa P. would often call that out when we were leaving their house after a visit. I think it was kind of culturally ingrained in him. Amazing how quickly things change- only a couple of generations. Kinda gives me hope. :)
Mine did, too- Grandpa P. would often call that out when we were leaving their house after a visit. I think it was kind of culturally ingrained in him. Amazing how quickly things change- only a couple of generations. Kinda gives me hope. :)
:/ Sad, really.
You're mostly correct- however, the practice did continue, right on up through the early 40's, in some households. My grandfather worked in the CCC camps as a cook, and there were a LOT of people working the camps who were very young- it was kinda normal to give your kids the boot, and tell 'em to "write when you find…
I dunno...something about him reminds me of Weird Al Yankovich...I can't quite place it....
Aw, that's so cool! With no other gals of menarche age in our close family, I've been the only one to represent, so to speak. Sorry that your son's father is the way he is- hope your family has healed from that! If I had daughters, Welcoming the Sisters of the Moon sounds like a direction I'd want to take. :)
Yep, you are correct! A Walmart pharmacist told me the exact same thing- so basically, tweakers can just pop around to all of the pharmacies, and buy all pseudoephedrine they want to. Silly, really- I mean, these are folks who shamelessly write bad checks, etc., to support their habits- what does the "sign for it" law…
Well, I kinda started teaching my oldest when he was younger, but if I had to start with a kid at 10...hmm. I think I'd explain about the release of the egg, etc., kinda clinically. Then explain about how the lining, since it's not being used, has to clear out so the whole thing can start over again. In our case,…
That. Was. Beautiful. Thank you.
OMG, you just won the Internets today! XD
I curtsy in your direction, Lynx. You won everything today! :)
Yep. And how to choose good produce, and to cook, too. I semi-jokingly call it raising Men, with a capital M- but we're working on a higher standard. :)
That's exactly the reason that my kids (both boys) are being taught as young as they are. My oldest fully gets it, isn't skeeved out, and knows to be nice to females about it (as in, NEVER EVER saying, "What, you on the rag or something?" for any reason EVER) because this is all just a part of our existence. Son 2 is…
Not too sure about that. Idaho's not lookin' too bad on this map, but we're 50th for lowest wages (or would that be #1? Not sure, but most folks are minimum wage!), and 50th in education- no small feat, that! And yet we're not the most obese. But, then again, since we have have a mostly Repub government, maybe it's…
Oh bloody hell. This almost makes me hope that one of my sons will decide to be a Girl Scout.
Thank you for writing this, and the obituary. My husband recently found his birth family- within one month of meeting her over the phone, his birth mother passed away. The remaining siblings have stories somewhat similar to yours- foster care, beatings, all kinds of bad. (His birth sibs told us that they always,…
Yeah, but the other road isn't much prettier. Think about it- what if some genius were to make it a law that all self-identified gay people HAD to have genetic testing, to "prove" that they're really gay? (There are still stupid people who think there's some advantage to declaring oneself gay. Really. I work with some…
Thank you, Mr. King! Please let him know that my entire family agrees that he did THE best halftime show ever, and his Godfather of Soul dance moves were spot-on. It was a beautiful performance, classy and fun, and it was a delight to watch. :)
I second that. "Grenade" is...well, crappy. I'm not fond of "Gorillas", either. Everything else, though.... :D
THANK YOU- this was my response, too!