
Yep. Sitting with a large portion of the body exposed directly to the ice does that- you got it in one.

Yeah, but the other road isn't much prettier. Think about it- what if some genius were to make it a law that all self-identified gay people HAD to have genetic testing, to "prove" that they're really gay? (There are still stupid people who think there's some advantage to declaring oneself gay. Really. I work with some

Yop. Me too.

HA! Wrong! Me and the Tractorshop crew took a Massey 2190 out there and did some winter baling for the local ski resorts! Much Keystone and cheap whiskey was involved. Much.

Don't feel too bad. In reality, it's a miracle that any of us are here. I mean, really, you and I could just as easily not have existed if, say, our grandparents had died in the big influenza epidemic of 1918. (Which almost happened to my maternal grandfather, in France, during WW1.)

Thank you, Mr. King! Please let him know that my entire family agrees that he did THE best halftime show ever, and his Godfather of Soul dance moves were spot-on. It was a beautiful performance, classy and fun, and it was a delight to watch. :)

I second that. "Grenade" is...well, crappy. I'm not fond of "Gorillas", either. Everything else, though.... :D

THANK YOU- this was my response, too!

I do believe you're right. Especially when we have gems like this in the news.


3/4 of the way through A Dance With Dragons- good grief, these pictures are confusing to me now!

It's not that they bought more of the's that it's now so bloody expensive! A decent mayo is gonna run ya nearly $4 at the lowest. And there is seriously no point at all in using the el cheapo stuff- it's nasty.


I love the concept, but...none of these are large enough to even house my fabric collection, much less my family. ;o)

I work in what is basically a glorified pole building on a concrete slab. The owner doesn't leave the heat on over the weekend, so it takes until about Wednesday to actually warm up to room temperature. My office is cold all. Winter. Long. And I'm here to tell ya- a freezing office does not, in any way, encourage

The whole thing feels more Metropolis than Morocco....

That's so funny! That's what I was thinking- more than one man has told me the same thing- jerseys, especially oversized ones, are apparently "hot". This other stuff- nah.

Wait...I have an Idris Elba-clone lover?

Awesome! XD

I think it is. I've seen this before- crows are predators in their own right, and have some tricks that are really surprising, when it comes to other predators. It's especially amusing to watch 'em face off with magpies- a near match, in terms of intelligence.