

You can thank "Reefer Madness" for the misunderstanding. :)

Works equally well for the "drama" being perpetrated in the other threads. I do love a good ol' fashioned Climate Change Denial Flamewar!

I find the giant floating arrows far more frightening than any lights...

Actually, it explains a lot. Had a former boss who espoused the same sorts of charming opinions (plus a little more racism thrown in for Good Ol' Boy measure), and he was functionally illiterate. It happens.

Aaaand if you do it *just* that little bit too slowly...then what happens? Bruised hand? Or something even stupider?

My first thought was, well, OK, so you erase the bad what does this do to a personality? What does that take apart? Could this potentially make a person who's become strong by way of the School of Hard Knocks weaker? Completely undo them? And as you mentioned, the possibilities for abuse...*shudder* I don't

Ah, well...maybe you could help repair the damage done by docs that DON'T? LOL Best of wishes, in your upcoming career, whatever course it may run. :)

Oh please, DO. We need more people who have some idea what they're doing, in this field.

Thank you, so much. Where I am, in the culture we're living in, this is not a thing that would be met with approval, if it were well-known. This is a Mormon town, but I am decidedly not. I really, really appreciate input from "outside", because I'm not FROM here- it's where I landed.

Ah, but this is the tip of the iceberg. My youngest wanted a dollhouse for his Barbies and Ken, for Christmas. And by golly, he's getting one! When assembled, the danged thing's going to be taller than he is. :)

Thanks! Didn't know the name for it, but have seen this many, many times. :) Now I'll know not to call it "that thing that happens down by the water when the temperature's just right."

This is a serious question: are there major differences between the Methodist and Presbyterian methods of worship? Because I've noticed that the Pres. church down the street has been celebrating the heck out of gay marriage and the end of DOMA- their reader-board's been a lot of fun to read. I bet they'd be delighted

I know, right? It's so Ellen....

Oh, how fun! Wish I'd known about this back when I was still having babies...and immensely glad that most of the sanctimommy stuff didn't yet exist at that time.

"Sanctimommy blogs". Oh, thank you, thank you so much! I've been fumbling around for the right term for SO LONG NOW. Perfect! Thank you!

You, sir or madame, are an awesome person.

Nope. It's much, much richer. :)