
This is a serious question: are there major differences between the Methodist and Presbyterian methods of worship? Because I've noticed that the Pres. church down the street has been celebrating the heck out of gay marriage and the end of DOMA- their reader-board's been a lot of fun to read. I bet they'd be delighted

I know, right? It's so Ellen....

Oh, how fun! Wish I'd known about this back when I was still having babies...and immensely glad that most of the sanctimommy stuff didn't yet exist at that time.

"Sanctimommy blogs". Oh, thank you, thank you so much! I've been fumbling around for the right term for SO LONG NOW. Perfect! Thank you!

You, sir or madame, are an awesome person.

Nope. It's much, much richer. :)

My thoughts exactly. Read the headline, and said "Alrighty!" out loud. My boss gave me a funny look, but he's kinda used to this sort of thing.

Same here! I've never shopped H&M, but I'd definitely consider them, if this works out.

It's all in the delivery. If you say, "Duuuuude, I need a price-check on this here Mile High Hungarian. Oh, and where do you keep the Cheez Doodles...?" with a slightly vacant expression, you'll do fine! I mean, really, isn't it more embarrassing to admit that you need a Hickory Farms Yard-O-Beef?

Um. Jello's made with animal byproducts. Beefy, bony byproducts. It's just not safe!

Little Tart is absolutely correct. I live in a Right-To-Work State. If you check the maps for the Walmart Black Friday protests, you'll find that there were ZERO of 'em here in Idaho. I doubt that there were any fast-food protests here, either. The reason? Right-to-Work means that your employer can fire you without

I dunno...I'm a hennaed vivid-redhead, and I'd wear this. With green boots. And bright orange accessories. Because I can.

Hmm. No. I don't think I can do this. After my last huge beefcake disappointment (the first "Thor" movie), I'm just not sure that I can commit to something like that.

It was from this awful, vapid commercial for paint, a couple of years ago- it was on ALL THE TIME, here in Boise! The typical, obviously wealthy, good-looking 20-something couple, disagreeing on color schemes for their McMansion. Ugh.

"I like bright colors. Like beige!"

Uh, shock? Horror?

I clean's the ceiling? ;)

And wait a minute- the stuffing! WHERE DID THE STUFFING GO?! He threw it up in the air, but less than HALF appears to have come back to earth...ceiling stuffing...?

Might be. Or else she may have been a Russian spy. You just never know. ;)