
My thoughts exactly. Read the headline, and said "Alrighty!" out loud. My boss gave me a funny look, but he's kinda used to this sort of thing.

Same here! I've never shopped H&M, but I'd definitely consider them, if this works out.

It's all in the delivery. If you say, "Duuuuude, I need a price-check on this here Mile High Hungarian. Oh, and where do you keep the Cheez Doodles...?" with a slightly vacant expression, you'll do fine! I mean, really, isn't it more embarrassing to admit that you need a Hickory Farms Yard-O-Beef?

Um. Jello's made with animal byproducts. Beefy, bony byproducts. It's just not safe!

I like bein' a cheapskate. I stream this stuff. That way, I can afford more popcorn! XD


Little Tart is absolutely correct. I live in a Right-To-Work State. If you check the maps for the Walmart Black Friday protests, you'll find that there were ZERO of 'em here in Idaho. I doubt that there were any fast-food protests here, either. The reason? Right-to-Work means that your employer can fire you without

Thank you, Annalee! I had no idea that this genre even existed!

That was AWESOME! :D

I dunno...I'm a hennaed vivid-redhead, and I'd wear this. With green boots. And bright orange accessories. Because I can.

Hmm. No. I don't think I can do this. After my last huge beefcake disappointment (the first "Thor" movie), I'm just not sure that I can commit to something like that.

It was from this awful, vapid commercial for paint, a couple of years ago- it was on ALL THE TIME, here in Boise! The typical, obviously wealthy, good-looking 20-something couple, disagreeing on color schemes for their McMansion. Ugh.

"I like bright colors. Like beige!"

Uh, shock? Horror?

I agree- please, do syphillus next.

Oh, cool! Thank you!

Thanks! I haven't had the first clue as to where to start. I've got some provenance on some of it (in the form of handwritten notes that were found with the items- one example is the beads, and some small clay figures, which were accompanied by the note "found in dredgings from the bed of Lake Chapala), some of it,

So, question- a serious one: my mom gave me some of what she thinks is miscellaneous "stuff" that belonged to my grandmother. Grandma was a bit of an archeologist. Amongst the "stuff"- genuine Clovis points, a fossilized horn scraper, a bunch of beads and figures from the bed of Lake Chapala, and a slew of other

I clean's the ceiling? ;)

And wait a minute- the stuffing! WHERE DID THE STUFFING GO?! He threw it up in the air, but less than HALF appears to have come back to earth...ceiling stuffing...?