
But wouldn't "Run to the Hills" be more apropo?

THANK YOU. That was the first thing I thought of, too.

Good grief. It's not like they asked her to dress like Miley Cyrus and twerk her way down the track...


I curtsy in your direction- you done gone and won the Internet today!

I have, in the past, especially after some very serious sh*t that happened after a jaunt up into the Sierra Nevada, and a good friend told me what to do. (I will not ever, ever be going back there. I still keep the fan that she gave me over my bed, and I live in sage country now, although I didn't at the time.)

Thank you, so much. Both for the continuance of the stories, and the reference to the "visitors". We get them, too.

That's ok. We're used to having that way- je ne quasi! ;)

As a Boisean, I concur.

I threw up in my mouth a little when I saw that....

Dear God, please let this girl move to Idaho and marry one of my kids. Either of 'em.

"Noped the fuck out of there" is my new favorite phrase! XD

I give major props to your friend Aimee, for remaining calm and just dealing with it, if that's the case. She must have some powerful stuff in her medicine bundle!

HA! No, Etsy, that's NOT why we're all leaving! It's because you were already promoting rip-off artists (people who either list items that aren't even theirs and then reselling those items, or selling factory-made stuff), allowing people to use *tiny* variations of existing shop names to do so (so that their shops

Just tried something- ran a search of the word "dwerge"- and it brought up a bunch of weird references to what appears to be German porn. However- I then ran a search for "what does dwerge mean?", and it popped up with the meaning of the word "diverge", which (DA-DA-DAAAA!) means exactly what your dwerge word does.

Sooo...what happened on the East Coast? You can't just leave off like that!

Could the soft thing have possibly been a medicine bag, or amulet bag?

Dude. What was the second time...?

Thanks, I'll NEVER sleep again! D:

Question: where were your grandad's people from? This is a serious question. Just curious...I've heard (and seen) something like this, in real life.