
Thanks, I'll NEVER sleep again! D:

Question: where were your grandad's people from? This is a serious question. Just curious...I've heard (and seen) something like this, in real life.

Me, too! *Crosses fingers* Oh, please, please update that story, Mystery Writer Person!

I used to work with a number of Mexican and Native American nurses. One time, a sparrow flew into the building- and the nurses freaked out, certain that one of our patients would die that night. They all told me that in their culture(s), birds are the harbingers and/or the messengers of the dead- and sure as sh*te, we

Ugh. Double-post. Kinja's squirrelly tonight.

Maybe a John Wayne Gacy wannabe....?

*Giggle* Keep your day job!

That's a really interesting point. I think the difference is that a sociopath may know it's wrong on an intellectual level- but not at the emotional level, where the rest of us live. So they "know", but at the same time, they don't. The book that I mentioned earlier both horrified and fascinated me, because it was

No, you don't. And that's why I think that this is something that's universally KNOWN to be just plain wrong, on a gut level.

I have a suspicion- and mind you, it's just a suspicion- that pretty much every human being that's not a sociopath ON THE PLANET knows, at their very core, that having sex with children is WRONG. So, one of two things- either these child-f*ckers and their enablers are sociopaths (and I think that's actually highly

Not cool. Ick factor: 100+

Exactly. Reading this, I was thinking about WHICH multi-tasking situations I excell in, and which ones my husband excells in. There are some things that he can do much, much better (and not just stuff that requires upper-body strength), and some situations are clearly gonna be my "win"- but they're specific to what

No, no, no! See, you're not counting the percentage of households who've trained their cats to do the job!

Yeah, baby, THAT RIGHT THERE! :D

Nope, you're solid! :)

I was immediately taken with the Baba Yaga costume, too! That, and the pirate women- talk about a comfortable walk around the neighborhood with the kids!

That would be awesome!



I like how she matched up the gold eyeshadow- she's really pretty. She looks gilded, in a good (and classy) way. Hope she finds a much better, much more lucrative job- Hooters can't be THAT great for tips!