
You forgot the Lysol douche, or other caustic / toxic douches.

Ugh. A new high in Assholiness.

Gosh, what's not to love? Base-jumpers. Spelunkers. People with flares. People with really cheesy hats and badges. Blowy-uppy things. Bloody things. So much, saying so little!

Won't be buying those...but WILL be snaggin' some of the Trefoils. They make GREAT mini-cheesecakes! And Samoas....dear God, must have the Samoas.....

I'll check out The Ood, and then maybe start catching up all of these years that I've missed. Finished all of Torchwood, even that awful last miniseries bit of it. Thanks for the link to the Pertwee song- that was AWESOME. Can't stop grinning! The Marconi tower info is very cool, also. Thank you- made my first day

I hear you! When there isn't 4+" of snow on the ground, I bike-commute, too, and my coworkers worry that I'll be creamed by a semi or something. Thing is, it's legal to use the sidewalks here, so I use 'em. Crazy!

Wow! That's how I feel after a morning of too much coffee and Alex Jones, too!

Maybe she's trying the "take the high road" approach. I have no class, personally, when it comes to asshattery! *Laughs loudly and rudely at Miss Manners*

Hi, Frank! I'm Heather. I like SciFi, too, but haven't caught up on Dr. Who in recent years...I grew up on the Jon Pertwee version, broadcast as reruns from Canada. "The Green Death" was my favorite episode, but I recently watched "The End of Time" with David Tennant, and damn! It's good! So I guess there's a whole

That was my reaction, too! I do not understand- who the hell *does* this???

Thank you so much! Depositfiles worked just fine. Love abandoned buildings. I'm having a lot of fun, "exploring". Where is this opera house? The fires probably ARE intentional- it's lucrative, especially when it's hard to sell. Oh, and THANK YOU for the Avast reminder- went ahead and picked it up, screw the

Currently on the work computer, so stuck with IE "protected" by Spybot, Malwarebytes, and Security Essentials. (Work stuff won't work with Firefox, God help me!) I've toyed with adding Avast, but am afraid that our "IT" guy (who's actually the head of the Parts Dept. at this shop) will spot it and order me to remove

Sadly, when I attempted to view the pictures, every single protection that I have on this computer FREAKED. Malicious software warnings. The site is, uh, not clean. Thanks for trying, though.

Anonymous: what CAN'T they do???

Oh god, don't give them any ideas....


Ooo! Is this an informal grouping? Can anyone join? (By anyone, I mean someone such as myself?) Thanks for the info- and let me know if you get the Opera House photos somewhere. That would be really cool to look through!

I hope that my sons will one day grow up to be Anonymous, too. So, so cool when these guys go after the baddies!

I should think that committed love, in any form, is a positive thing for "the human creature" as a whole. This is very sad.