
Really? I don't do any of the above, either, but you could always create your own website or blog- I'd love to see your photos. What is B.R.A.I.N.S., by the way?

This has MADE my Christmas!!!

As a feminist gal in Boise, I take issue with your depiction of how Men's Health is describing Boise. Kevin lives in Portland. Or possibly the suburbs of Seattle- been there, done that. Boise's actually pretty good, for both sexes, and a damned sight better than most of the rest of the region, if you're a female.

You could. There are a lot of services out there that will do it, even Flickr, if you don't do FB and all of that.

You. Yes, you. YOU are awsome!

It was beautifully done,

I get migraine sypmtoms, including visual problems- in fact, it seems to be my ONLY trigger. You're not alone. I've read that it's because most of them are neurotoxins- did you know you can use some of them to poison ants in your house? It works. And I know what you mean- recently discovered that Shasta's sneaking it

HA! Could be worse. I talked with my boys about it this weekend, since I knew that they'd be finding out about it anyway. And guess what? Some asshat who wasn't supposed to be around their kid showed up at the school today, which caused the administration to have to initiate a full lockdown, with the police dragging

And how painfully, brutally true.

I don't get it...why haven't they both joined the Westboro Baptist Church yet?

Whoo, boy, are the conspiracy theorists (you know, the ones who have that thing about the Illuminati controlling the entertainment industry) gonna have themselves a BALL with this one!

I concur. It's wonderful, that they're using their powers for good. God knows, we need some heroes right about now.

I work in heavy equipment, including a couple of lines of snowblowers. This makes my heart just *so happy*! Want one. Even though it hardly ever snows here anymore.

Well....that's kind of a 50-50 proposition here. I devote a goodly portion of time to writing letters to my legislators, and for the most part, I get condescending, pat-on-the-head replies, letting me know that my opinion means squat- they can justify almost any stance, even ones that most of us know are absolutely

Come on back! We need more college-educated folks over here! :)

Won't ask where in WA you're at, but grew up there! :) I had to *learn* to be friendly and open, and not to panic if I couldn't find my car- unlike Seattle and Portland, my car doesn't get stolen here! Deli George is still going, I think- they're the place with the upside-down awning sign, right? I suspect that the

I would like to cordially invite the women of Michigan to move to Idaho. Yes, we're a red state. However, when this kind of BS was being bandied about by our legislators, their wives (yes, those helmet-haired GOP ladies) told them to DROP IT. And they did. Our cost of living is relatively low, and we still have

It's wonderful that you're in their corner. Best of luck, gal!

Can't argue against that- sounds like you had a helluva rough ride. We have the same kinds of corruption here. It's gonna be a long, hard fight against the "good ol' boy" systems we have in place....

In the future, only 2-dimensional women will not be curvy.