
How sweet. And they didn't even have the good drugs yet....

OMG you just made me blow icewater out of my nose! (Was especially amusing due to my being employed by a company owned by a devoutly LDS person.)

Oooo. Not a great party favor, that- hope it missed ALL of the children in your wedding party! I struggled on for over a week, closer to two- even tried to go to work. When the bleeding got bad enough, and I couldn't keep upright for more than a few minutes anymore, I gave up. I really honestly thought that it was

No, we cut it off at the pass, so to speak, although I was bleeding internally by the time that I finally went to the hospital. Thought I could tough it out, but boy, was I wrong! Spent a terrifying week+ in an isolation room, terrified that my kids were going to be next, and fairly certain that they were going to

Thank you! I curtsy in your direction. And feel a similar unhappiness regarding E. coli. 'Specially since one of those travelin', visitin' types of E. coli very nearly killed me a little over a year ago. Don't you just hate it when scientists are wrong?

*Giggle* Don't underestimate the "hugginess" of the hetero male! I've heard, time and again, from my husband's friends and family that they were SURE that he was gay...until we got together. He's not gay, just stubborn. He simply refuses to not be who he is- and so he hugs, freaking people out mildly some of the time.

Actually, no, the types of genetic engineering that you're referring to are not the same. Even geneticists are alarmed at the ways in which GMO foods and nutraceuticals are being produced, because with direct genetic manipulation, the side effects can't be forseen- it's not a "clean" science, because it's not evolved

I agree. My husband is a really huggy kind of guy, and sometimes gets rebuffed by others who are not. It's painful to watch. And it makes me wonder how much my very affectionate, sweet sons are going to experience that, as well. They can still hug and stuff without discrimination, being children, but for how much

Normally, I'd say yes to that- living in a very LDS state, many news stories, etc., are slanted in such a way that one's thinking might be a bit different than the rest of the country, except for Utah...however, I've read Freakonomics, and personally have been living under the poverty line most of my life. I've not

Yes, it is. My kids had one- they managed to cut it and get the "gooshy" stuff out of it, and planted the *$#%&*^$^%^! thing on the living room floor, where I had the pleasure of STEPPING ON IT IN MY BARE FEET IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. Not only are they squishy, they're cold and nasty to the touch. It was not a good

Why, WHY do Vimeo videos ALWAYS come through so jerky and crappy? WHY????

HA! I'd have to say "more seriously than here! That poor woman, and her poor daughter....what a fight to have to take on.

Yep! In fact, it's perfectly legal to film, photograph, or video ALL public servants- including police and sherriff's department employees- at whatever task they may be doing. Wish like hell someone would have gotten some video evidence- this woman deserves to be able to nail them to the wall for their conduct.

Yeah, don't worry- won't happen here!

Rather makes one wonder, how long will it be before one of the Hiveminded Vigilante groups takes it into their their hivemind to douche the douche...? This could make for some good clean family fun!

Betcha he won't be, after this. I understand they have some rules about personal conduct- he's hosed his options. For a BEACHBALL. If it wasn't so sad all 'round, I'd be laughing. What a total *insert vulgarity of the highest order here*.

What an utter douchebag! The pictures are worth a thousand douches.....

You, sir, have won the gold medal in Pure Awesomeness. I curtsy in your direction!

Yay! So glad that I'm not the only who remembers that movie! *Grinning*

Ah. So it's like the ancient Catholic concept of indulgences, but cheaper. Hmm. Not sure how I feel about this yet. Probably because I've never eaten Chick-Fil-A's food. Hard to be tempted to "sin" when you're blissfully unaware of its temptations.