
There was NOoooooo fortune in my last fortune cookie. I was about to race to google to implore: what does this meeeeaaaannnn?!? when I decided it meant that I already have a fortune so am not in need of more. Delusion is my snuggle-buddy.

Good girl! Golly, I've just seen that all 3 are now on youtube, as though that's some unpoliced site. I was about to tell you how to download via torrent. Nev'mind, then!

Grathias! Can they bring him back though, really? People did love him...understandably... I mean, the joyfulness of hate-love/love-hating him. Not, you know, well, you know.

Can you tell me what I missed, please? I knew to wait till after the credits rolled, but I saw it via torrent and it cut off...

Not forgetting her half-American blood, I say as I push my glasses further up my nose. (Just read this about her and am totes showing off 'bout my Cate swottiness).

Kathleen Turner certainly morphed into Weezy Fletcher...I'm watching it right now and horrifyingly enjoying it.

Because I am groovier than a dubstep dj in a backwards baseball cap, I will be luxuriating in this show ce soir with a nice cup of tea.

Were I a chickadee on that show, and great scott, there is more chance of me joining the Navy, I would peace out from this pish-tosh quicker than Road Runner.

Love it and exactly. It's why I can't be mad at Perez Hilton for too long (and only for this point): that he is or was, I don't keep up, shameless wrt outing slebs. Come on, guys: Spacey, Travolta - who you foolin'? How could they see teen boys killing themselves and continue sitting in their goldfish bowl of a closet?

Ha! I was just deliberating on whether I was going to pipe up. But yes, I have it from 2.5 very credible sources - (the .5 is someone whose reply was, "I don't think he knows what he is" in response to the question re: SC's orientation. Which is probably not what a colleague of yours would say if you had nothing to

Matthew Perry/Morrissey mash-up

Yeah, I did see the dance post of which you speak. And while weird, it doesn't negate the fierceness of his choreographed boyband oeuvre.

I fancied him with so very much of my heart, I say in Austen tones. So much handsome, the strongest dancer (what are you saying?!), and all of that earnest emoting in his have quite taken me back to my 20s, yeah, so, I may have been too old to appreciate him.

Always the daughter of a Famer, and eff knows the point of it: good for their cv should they want to be a Price is Right demonstrator?

I haven't seen this season, but based on the last two, I'd say it's because she's cool and pretty. And if she hasn't shown herself to be a demonstrably crap friend, that may be all that is required of her. When I was whippysnap in my teen years, or that teen hangover period called one's early 20s, I wanted the

After Harry's Vegas escapade, a commenter on gawker posited that he would be marched up the aisle pronto for that mis-step. I've been drumming my paw, wondering, since then. Because while it certainly seems in line with old-school royal thinking, in post-Kate monarchy, perhaps there's more leniency.

Quite wonderful. I am a tough crowd and was chortling rather heartily.

"Prostitute-intensive" = lovely! No 'August: Osage County' or other way round? I thought that would be fine folks fare. Last Vegas? Grudge Match? Saving Mr. Banks? (Can you guess I am staying with my mom and parsing what might be appropriate viewing for her...)

So creepy to boot. Love to have been part of that meeting: "People simply adore furtively being spied on. Seriously. What girl doesn't love a Peeping Tom? Enh? Am I wrong?" Too much sausage in that boardroom, I'll venture.

When oh when will they allow us to control our "comments and likes". So invasive.