
5e gorilla cleric possessed by the spirit of a dead Human cleric on a divine mission. The gorilla was still a gorilla, but with increasing intelligence and guidance from the cleric’s spirit. With every level he’d learn a bit more common language and mannerisms.

I’ll fight you

Did you see our secret Santa because LOOK AT MY SHIRT

I mean I’d be down for a box of legendaries

“Like the moon over

One one hand, most fan service is out of place, obvious, and detracts from otherwise good characters.

Speaking as a person with a degree, experience, and certification in this field...

Sin’s our punishment for letting things get outta’ hand.

I hope he finishes that wall. I hope it’s the biggest, most opulent and secure wall ever built. I hope that he spends four years dedicating every minute he has to it.

Ugh, Dragon’s Milk. I’ve been sick from alcohol twice in my life, that was one.

It doesn’t mean anything if there is no Alolan Kingler :(

Agreed. I know the whole game won’t just be straight up action since ME3 manage not to be even when everything was ending, but I’m still concerned.

Eh that’d be pretty unlikely I think

It’s a graveyard. You can get philosophical about it but it’s not like the dead are going to care one way or the other. Most are public places, as long as you’re not trashing the place I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to do whatever.

Oh please, people do shoots in graveyards all the time. Hell, three months ago every graveyard in the nation was overrun by Pokémon Go players.

I went to high school with her, super nice lady. Glad to see her cosplay page has come so far.

Fucking sick man

CTF pls

Looks like they forgot to check their watches