The Ocean Dub was always bad. The Uncut Funimation dub is great imo. There are like 5 different dubs of DBZ now.
The Ocean Dub was always bad. The Uncut Funimation dub is great imo. There are like 5 different dubs of DBZ now.
This is actually a pretty standard and viable deck now if you know how to pilot it, but it’s hard to play. Kind of like that Majordomo Freeze Mage a month or two ago. Most people would get rekt because Majordomo is an instant lose card in most cases, but a pro got it up to legend.
Friend I had to control guns and shoot things with thumbsticks, it’s a shooter.
The only bad part of this game was that I had to play a shooter on a console.
Bring back the fucking Chicken and Waffles, Lay’s.
Nozdormu is still one of the worst cards in the game, you’d be able to pull this off in maybe 10% of the matches you play, and certainly none at higher ranks because Noz would never make it out in the first place.
Yeah, but the Ultimate weapons also provide piercing effects without using up a slot on monsters who otherwise would resist it, like Penance.
But also keep in mind that the Celestial weapons have secret additional effects. The caladbolg multiplies Tidus’s damage output based on how high his HP is, while the Masamune multiplies based on how low Auron’s HP is. These effects are important against Penance and other superbosses.
Oh come on, no Gin Blossoms references yet?
I’ve always wondered what would happen in one of these if a completely calm and collected person goes through it. Like, man with machete comes charging and they just stand there and look, completely unperturbed. Man with machete tries his best, but ultimately just sort of awkwardly stands there looking defeated.
Can we stop pretending that meat is bad for you?
Hear hear
What the fuck? The PC gaming show was great! I watched all of it and had a great time.
Yeah yeah token yearly Call of Duty game, NEXT.
Holy shit
Game looks sick and the dude with the cane has a great laugh.
Uh, it said Holiday 2016, did it not?
I can’t remember, is this a timed exclusive or a full exclusive?