
You could just craft something like facehunter, a mechmage variant, or zoolock for super cheap and plow through the ladder. If you've only been playing since December, sorry, but you're probably losing because you're bad. Happened to me too. Also, this is any card game ever, you can't expect to have a basic

Yeeessssssssssssss I can't wait! The meta is a little stale at the moment between mechmage and the rampage of Dr. Booms. Plus, Naxxramas was hilarious and tons of fun, even if it was painful to only play one new wing a week.

edit, removed comment.

That was Stomping Land, even if it were good it wouldn't be the same. This world needs DayZ with dinosaurs. You can try to copy DayZ but it still won't be DayZ.

No, basically DayZ with dinosaurs.

DayZ with dinosaurs pls

Just download the ATlauncher. It installs a bunch of mods right there and all you have to do is hit buttons to get them working. No shady sites either.

DKC2 is in my top 5 <3

That's one of my favorite scenes in the game yo. Anyone who dislikes it has never done something completely embarrassing to make a love interest smile.

I was a teenager when I played a lot of games and don't consider them the best games ever. I play through FFX every year and my resolve has not wavered. The only games to ever even come close in my book are probably the Mass Effect series, Paper Mario TTYD, and MGS3

King Cold

Bejeweled is a good game, that I will not deny.

FFX is best game.

I quite enjoy watching others play games, sometimes I watch more than I play. Day[9] is hysterical, I watch all of his shows every week.

I prefer Phthalo blue

Jesus that RE3 mercenaries video was incredible and I've never even played the game.

This thread is like two years old

Revelations 1 was really good but I hated the monster design. You lose a lot of the scare factor when you take away their human elements, and the monster with the dumbass buzzsaw hand almost killed it for me. Also I didn't like how my guns had stats, but whatever.

It kind of did in RE4 lol