Nuts and Bolts was actually a good game on its own, just not a great Banjo Kazooie game.
Dragon Age is pretty old though, and Bioware games aren't hard to run. You may could do it if you turned some settings down/off. Dragon Age is an ugly game anyway lol. That being said, the game is super fun. I liked 2, but honestly if you like this one and want to play 3, you can just skip out on 2. You'll be able to…
To be a man
Nope, it's just there for you to bludgeon in victory until it blows up or you knock it off the map
15. Robin
Did you know that a Little Mac will suicide in 100% of games given enough time?
I got sarcasm from it when I first read it
I paid for Naxx, no problem dropping cash on a good game
Afterglow X360 controller. I use one for my PC for games like DS2
I would be so proud
It is on PC yo
No card is going to be able to run every game guaranteed at highest for that long unless you buy like two titans. This is easily the best deal on a GPU I've seen. I paid 300 for a GTX 770 earlier this year that came with a game. That said, the 780 is a top of the line card by most standards, and it'll easily hold its…
ASUS GeForce GTX 780 3GB 384-Bit GDDR5 Video Card plus Borderlands The PreSequel ($293) | Newegg | After rebate and promo code EMCPAHE22
Make that 4. Solid card.
I don't claim to be a scientist, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but often times you'll see little bits of burning debris floating around a space battle or on the exterior of a ship, but isn't that completely wrong? The fire would be gone almost instantaneously once exposed to open space because the vacuum would…
Was Brother Bear really that old? I would have placed them sometime in the early 1000s. 10000 BC would have been the absolute earliest civilizations, and that tribe would have been fairly sophisticated for the time, as I remember them having some sort of spiritual beliefs and fairly intricate tools and clothing.
Nah, I think the invaders make things interesting. The only time I call troll is when I'm kicking some Bellbro ass and then they run and cower behind like 2 of their buddies.
"But as of right now, it seems like MGS is leaning more on cutscenes rather than gameplay"