
Goddamn it I want this game so bad, but there are too many things coming in the near future for me to afford it :(

Enterprise is the best Star Trek

tingle is from zelda, link grabs his trophy for help but he is useless, kind of like goldeen in the pokeballs.

pretty sure there's an icon on the main screen that transfers everything on your 3ds to a new one, right?

Protip: if there is a banana nearby, plow into it when the blue shell is about to hit you and you'll slip out instead of flipping over.

So you would rather an entire feature, made by another team, be completely removed from the game even though tens of thousands of players thoroughly enjoyed the ME3 multiplayer (and still are years after release) because you in particular feels like it detracts from the single-player experience?

Do you know if that Best Buy Diablo 3 deal can be picked up in store?

Shane can you use your consumer interest reporting powers and make Diablo III for PC go on sale again please

That's such an intricate joke lol

I thought it was an abra

What the hell is going on in the Nerd Rage comic because I have no idea. I understand that falcon punch is the....punch line.

After to switching to a safety razor, brush, and shave soap I just can't go back to electric.

Bad manners. AI was obviously BMing the guy by frostbolting himself as he was sure he would win.

They taught the AI how to BM.

Has anyone been watching the Mostly Walking series from Day[9]? It's hysterical.

Has Yamagushi struck again?

Probably Resident Evil 2, game really scared me. But nowadays, I don't really like any games with realistic violence anymore. Not graphically, but more of in what is supposed to be in an actual setting, such as battlefield or whatnot. I also don't kill any characters anymore that I don't have to, including games like

New wallpaper?

Don't be salty that she gets paid to write about Pokemon when you don't.

You know whose name would be at the top of the article of the one person that runs the Pocketmonster blog?