
Stop spending the holidays with those people. Who needs that shit?

Dornan's just reflecting the attitude of the books, though. Christian's only into BDSM because of childhood trauma related to his "crack whore" mother, and then Anastasia fixes him with her love and inability to refer to her genitals as anything but "down there," and then they have the kind of sex that loving people

'Come on guys I know I'm not paying for this but I am expecting a show.'

Coming from owing a restaurant/coffeeshop.. Always support your staff. It doesn't even matter if they're wrong. If they're wrong, its because you trained them wrong, and that can be fixed later. What can't be fixed is the memory of being scapegoated at work over some loser that thinks his $5 entitles him to x amount

Oklahoma is the Florida of being North of Texas.

I love this story.

The Best Gift I Ever Got:

My goal in life is to be able to think of, and do, the exact right thing at the exact right time. This lady will look back on this event and think, "Nope, there is nothing I wish I had thought of. I handled that perfectly."

"saying he'd purchased it in 1999 but had never used it"

Replying just so you know there are other people with mothers who aren't really all that interested in being alive anymore (and mine seems to just be waiting for death). I stopped trying to magically fix her life through gift-giving, and flat out asked her what she wanted. She wants a shitty vaccuum cleaner (which I

Nothing can make you irritable quite like being two kids into a marriage and realizing your partner is a clueless idiot who expects you to be flawless for him all the time and won't pull his weight in taking care of the family.

That, and "This is something ... that everybody does, once in their life. Or twice. Or three times. Orrrr, twice. At least once."

Michael Brown didn't rob a store, and if you're black then I'm the King of Norway.

Not to freak you out... but personality change can be a symptom of health issues like stroke, dementia or Alzheimer's.

white people thoughts: um, you're not a slave. you're welcome.

You've inspired me, next time I'm asked why I don't have a boyfriend I'll sadly reply "Charles Manson's engaged to someone else."


Your #NiceGuy tears nourishes me, please keep going.

He's clearly unhappy becuase he has no cats in his life.

In this video, that person could have made an effort to turn his life around. He is basically just worth only a lift of his finger and voila, life is good! You know that's rubbish. If he feels good creating a positive world in Facebook, he could find a way to resonate it in his real life. But he didn't.