
Elijah was teaching one thing and DOING everybody else, according to Malcolm X.

Ha, I think trailers that show a lot of the actual movie are the worst! The fact that this trailer really doesn’t give away any plot whatsoever is what I like most about it. Clearly we have very different taste.... I also thought the 2001 parody was really inspired here, because it’s not just a parody for the sake of

I will definitely see many of these, but the only one’s I’m excited for are John Wick and Dune.

Little Women was just that damn good. I trust Gerwig implicitly. 

That should be its tagline: “Barbie Movie, Nobody really needs this!”

This is fucking DIRE. I have to imagine the actual gems will be found in less likely places, like streaming, because holy shit. This is just a depressingly awful lineup. Even for superhero bullshit it seems unusually bad. Like they’re scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel. This list is probably the most

Please justify all the superhero movies you watched in 2022. Or how many James Bond movies you’ve sat through? Or Lego movies? I fucking like Barbie and Margot Robbie, ok? Damn. It’s not that complicated.

That would actually be interesting, and Disney has shown that they’re very opposed to doing anything interesting with their live-action remakes.

To build on that, I absolutely loved that the reason Benoit had difficulties cracking the case was that he is bad with stupid stuff and couldn’t fathom that billionaire was actually that stupid.

Fuller House ran for 5 seasons, to be fair. I’m still waiting on Step By Step By Step, myself.

One also needs to acknowledge that not every birth control method has the SAME side effects even on the same woman. I had three different bc pills in my lifetime: one made me nauseated constantly, one made me actively suicidal, and one I never had to worry about the side effect of because I wasn’t using it for

One cannot be a “trad-wife” and an influencer. An influencer is a job. Reminds me of Phyllis Schlafly leaving her kids at home to go on speaking tours... telling women they should stay at home.

My boyfriend pulled out one time. Our son is 36.

I felt the same way.  And didn’t get pregnant!  Then several years later, when he was with a different woman, discovered that, actually, he was infertile... (correlation/causation conundrum strikes again.)

That is more or less what I was going to say. The potential audience size for Prime is massive. So the comparison isn’t exactly fair. But one thing is sure: Rings’ success cannot be disputed, despite all the naysayers and critics. Is that success enough to handle the equally massive production costs associated with

Plus it's not a good sign when the dragons are the best characters on your show. 

I don’t know, if you believe some of the Rings of Power critics, I’d say about 1 billion of those minutes were just watching to prove how much it sucks. One of the greys here considers it his solemn duty to watch it every week just to point out how much money Amazon spent whilst not hiring any horses. Week after week

The most recent season ended with everyone giving up their superpowers to Cheryl so she could channel them with her magic to stop a comet headed for Riverdale that was pulled off course by an immortal sorcerer from another dimension, and the comets destructions somehow caused everything to be reset to the 1950s.

If Adar ends up being Galadriel’s brother, I’m going to scream...

The whole situation reads like a Riverdale script that was rejected as being too far fetched...and that’s saying a LOT.