
Which is weird because there’s heavy trans subtext to the Matrix what with both of the directors later coming out as transgender and the book Fight Club was based on was written by a gay man who was mocking toxic masculinity. Something I bet the “fans” you’re describing would blow a gasket over.

I think there is a certain personality type of fairly intelligent and perceptive person who goes through a phase in their life lasting maybe a decade, from about age 15 to age 25 or so, in which they realize that many people and many institutions of society are hypocritical and corrupt. But instead of continuing a

And this is set in June 1989, so they should all be wearing Batman caps, t-shirts, watches, sneakers, etc.

I think that if you took these same facts and placed them in a different body - instead of a thin, white woman, let’s say it was a fat black man brutally stabbed that pregnant woman to death and laughed at pictures of her dead body at trial — I sincerely doubt we would have so many compassionate calls for parole, and

Ditto, the only reason anyone is feeling any sorrow for her is because she is/was a pretty, articulate, white woman. If she had been a man, this shit would have been shut down for good decades ago. Benevolent sexism FTW.

Because my vagina doesn’t have taste buds?

The submission element is there. As much as men wanna lie and say it’s not. That’s why you gotta be very selective. I’m more selective about head than regular sex. Because its a service that he could view in a way that is against my interests.

Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to

Damn if that ain’t slick as a rat with a gold tooth.

Compare the much-anticipated meeting of Ice and Fire toBrienne and Tormund sitting across a table from each other in silence and it will show you how limited Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke are as actors. Two gorgeous people who deliver all the heat of a old pint of vanilla ice cream :-(.

Holy shit, a bunch of dudes are pissed off that they can “do everything right” and not get rewarded with a relationship for it?

The more they talk the more they got us all they way fucked up.

But I think the problem with shows like this and Man in The High Castle is that there’s no way to quantify the effects of leaving an entire race/creed of people out of society. Individual contributions don’t exist in a vaccum. Think of how different music would be if all those amazing southern-born POC artists were

First of all, if you can’t even manage to get the announcement right then I don’t know what right you think you have to ask people to reserve judgement or have faith in you to get the actual show right. This is a tiny spec in a great big deal of what they’re creating and they botched it horribly.

I always thought an interesting alternate history would be one where Reconstruction actually continued, and all the freed slaves got their 40 acres and a mule.

Studio head: Yes, I said affair. It’s not rape if the woman is wearing light fabric and there’s soft lighting in the shot... I’m confused... what do you mean by “coercion” and what is consent? We don’t have time for those buzzwords. Just use soft lighting!

I’ll say it again: I would totally watch a show about if Nat Turner’s rebellion succeeded.

Kevin Smith is a really nice guy and a decent human being who is passionate about a lot of things and has fun making movies and podcasting for a living. Take or leave his work as you please but Kevin Smith can’t be rated highly enough.

Alanis Morissette’s ex-business manager was sentenced to six years in prison after pleading guilty to embezzlement.

That’s a fair sentence. Jonathan should have kept his hands clean, instead, he had his hand in her pocket, uninvited. Oh, well; you live, you learn.