
I mean technically there’s no limit to anything anybody can do, but you also can’t get mad if the parents of the dead children run up on you after your set. Or say you cant perform at funerals anymore by complaining about you to the bizarre funeral stand-up company that hired you.

That’s why the idea that we’re being “Too precious” with them and their feelings specifically is a laughable accusation to make in public.

I mean it’s a very convincing method-acting exercise in that case.

Yeah! If only there wasn’t any dissent their wouldn’t be any dissent! We’d still be British if not for all those whiners who caused trouble in 1776, I loved being a part of the British Empire we all did.England was a real country none of this colony boot strap bull crap. But that goddamned Continental Congress wrecked

Yeah, re-tooling of one’s career isn’t always a positive thing. Remember when Madonna had to rap about lattes. Aging with dignity is tough.

Not to mention the excerpt conflates sex (the biologic factor) with gender (The cultural performance) as one and the same. Which is a TERF talking point, that biology is real and trans people are trying to murder science. They’re not.

Not to mention that like...there’s other jokes to tell. Like we’re in some real goofy shit right now as a culture we do not suffer from lack of material or amusing observation if a person would like to try even from a weird rich man POV. Being hard stuck on not being able to rag on one subject seems kinda suspect

Yeah, I think you can definitely use the service and be like ehhh “no more of this shit.” at the same time. Boycotting, abstaining, complaining and protesting all in the hopes to amount to the same goal is fine. Neither is more noble than the other if it ultimately keeps trash out of the neighborhood. Sometimes its

Fucking thank-you!

My first thought was, isn’t he already doing a city -tour? Wasn’t he gonna regardless? It’s such a non-statement on both sides. On his part and Netflix’s just sounds flapping in the ether.

I mean, ya know. Get an audiobook about raising daughters.

Financial buoyancy and strong community ties will never be underrated in terms whether or not your large family is generally happy or an ash covered snowball affect that effects all its members with escalating despair and neurosis. 

I always think wait until you get over the “sad my baby isn’t a baby phase” to really make that choice. Like wait a year after your kid has their first really kinda independent year. Like mourn not being needed as completely as you once were, you’re coming out of this super emotional and connected period of your life

Honestly, never bank on your children being alike or being like anybody else in the family. They’re all different and often you may get one who is crazy different and will make you wonder if they were swapped.

Because it implies that all boy and all girls are only a certain way and you are missing out on something vital if you don’t experience raising both?

In my non-solicited opinion

Yeah, I personally wouldn’t gamble on testing a spouse who does not want another child. That’s a real shoot yourself in the foot situation if the marriage is otherwise good. I think the one kid having the benefit of both their parents around in an otherwise okay marriage is way more beneficial than having siblings

I think sibling rivalry’s also depend on how your parents treat you guys and deal with sibling conflicts as well.

It’s really a matter of helping along your kid to a certain success. If your kid doesn’t have to be saddled with college debt or can have the down payment on a house you’re setting them up to build wealth earlier. People with this mindset are already on a level of have that the have-nots are just not on.

I mean that’s a pretty story, but entirely insensible for most people now. I for one would love to get the public housing credit and the tax policy for high income earners from the 60's as well, without the racism this time. And the investment in public education. But alas we live in the now.