
I mean...she’s rich enough to afford a baby on her own so it doesn’t really matter. Like the usual stressors and pearl clutching aren’t even relevant to this case.

This is what the giving head convo should really have been about.

Don’t you go hating on the lady in question.

This is my feelings about Detroit altogether. Why does this generation of black actors have to do torture porn. The media is full of black people being mistreated and killed in real time. What’s the point in these narratives. They don’t uplift us and they don’t provide escape, who are they for?

I’m 28 I have a desk job, no degree, never have had a romantic relationship. You’re doing fine kid.

I feel like Margaret Omelet has never been to Saint Tropez or seen a brother play mandolay.

The black community can no longer take responsibility for Spike Lee, he’s a force of hackneyed nature that cannot be stopped.

Ahhh who doesn’t want slavery narrative where the only relevant slaves are light-skinned with loose hair.. You know there’s not gonna be anybody dark in this. And if they are they’re British actors. Isn’t that kinda super weird, I feel like this hasn’t been taken down enough lately.

I agree with you on seeing the final product, but you have to concede that in terms of story telling all parts aren’t equal. It’s disappointing that even in 2017 black people don’t get to have escapism fantasies despite being fans of fantasy and sci-fi series. Heck relevant sci-fi/ fantasy stories by black authors

This! Or what if Garveyism was more successful like...goddamn. gimme some Booker t washington/ Dubois debates. Like what if they gave black people South carolina. Gimme some shit I haven’t seen before.

I mean...he is reducing our civil liberties right in plain sight. But sure....he’s so silly, haha covfefe amiright?

I have a feeling like with Robin Wright she will finally be working again after the divorce. Where she couldn’t have done so before.

So that mean’s there’s also no Harris Connor-Healy?

I know! They’ll suggest buns or some nonsense. Haters.

Isn’t it kinda bunk to keep treating education like a formal setting?

Coming in Fro’d out would’ve been a sweet way to stick it to them.

Is there really anything wrong with a purple Mohawk. Like learning how to concentrate around distractions is a part of life.

Apparently nobody has ever seen Eraserhead.

You’re acting like there is no emotional turmoil in being somebody who has to carry a child and give them away because of you own circumstances. And you’re acting like the kids who are adopted don’t experience a disconnect or emotional turmoil behind being abandoned. It’s far more devastating to know that there’s

Less like irony and more like the facts of life.