
I was just telling a Co worker I thought the tracking screen was fake. I sit in a Las Colinas office, up 9 floors. I got a pretty good view of the surrounding roads. I’m pretty close to hotels, so uber cars are always around. I turned on my app to see if it was accurate and it wasn’t even close. Several times it


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fun to watch. These pilots got in trouble for flying too low I believe.

the lineman's left foot gets caught up on the guard's foot to his right. Yes, he got blown up but it's easy to do when your opponent can only use one leg. Good play by d line though. Good pick up on the stunt by o line

Notice the "truck nuts" and then the teddy bear in the truck bed. Only in Texas!

Is it bigger than big hoss at Texas Motor Speedway?

I would have gone with Border Bandits

The offensive left tackle get blown up by no. 17 on the return. Helmet Flys off. No point in the block as the ball has already past. Fun to watch though.

Example of truck nuts. In addition, notice the face down teddy bear in the back. Creepy.

Texas, hands down. We don't judge distance in miles, we judge how many hours does it take to get there. You can travel 12 hours in a straight line and never leave the state, everyday of the year.