Can we get an Ashley Feinberg Deadcast?
Can we get an Ashley Feinberg Deadcast?
Oddly enough, I just watched a documentary about Grease 2 called The Case Against Adrian Zmed.
Well look at you, being a dang genius and living your best life.
When I go to fry something else (usually tortilla chips) I’ll cut up and do the first fry on some french fries, too. Then freeze them, so if I want some I have them ready for the second trip through the fryer/pan/whatever.
Because it’s a fox news dipshit who thinks chorizo (Mexican) = bad, whereas Italian sausage = good.
It’s a menagerie of white trash ingredients.
Why spicy italian sausage instead of chorizo?
Yeah, my thought isn’t that it sounds disgusting but that it sounds weirdly redundant. I feel like the point of Velveeta and canned cream soups is as a cheap and lazy substitute for the kind of stuff you make with heavy cream.
That looks like a slow-cooker insert, and that’s a film of oil (from the sausage, probably) on the top. Fatty foods cooked in a crockpot always has a slick of oil on the top. I suspect that if it was stirred up it would look less gross. But I also suspect that there’s a can of chili or something in there that’s…
Someone’s Chinese New Year might not be that happy after eating all that cheese dip.
To me it seemed like a “Cooked in a crockpot on high for 8 hours instead of low for 8 or high for 4" combined with “I don’t know what queso looks like!”
Your queso looks perfectly lovely and tasty. Her queso looks like it is the painting of Dorian Gray’s queso.
I’m glad you agree with my opinions.
They don’t call trucker speed trucker speed because librarians use it. I’m going with trucker speed.
Cocaine on a truckers salary? Yeah right that is some back yard meth or some PCP.
But most likely meth as it’s cheap and keeps you awake for days.
I drive a broke down rig on “may-pop” tires
Forty foot of overload
A lot of people say that I’m crazy
Because I don’t know how to take it slow
I got a broomstick on the throttle
I got her opened up and head right down
Nonstop back to Dallas
Poppin’ them West Coast turn-arounds
What’s not clear is why Mack was so damn mad—and how he managed to defend himself against the police for five straight hours.
That TEAL tho.