
Yes, because Barb is all of us. And we are glad that she is alive and having a good, albeit spooked, life. Barb is the chubby, sensible highschooler in all of us, who did our homework, followed the rules, treated others with respect. The overachiever who didn’t get invited to the cool kids parties. The nerdy girl who

Anyone who didn’t like the new ghostbusters didn’t watch it with a five year old girl. 1/2 an hour into the movie she turned to me and very seriously said “I didn’t know girls could be ghostbusters.” That made the whole movie worth it. That and the look on her face when Holtzman was kicking ghost ass at the end. Screw

“See you later savages.”


I do not accept this use of except, however, it is exceptionally accepting.

When I was about 22 ish (back when the Loch Ness monster was just a tadpole) a 60ish man put his hand down my skirt and squeezed my ass at a charity function. My then boyfriend tried to make me tell someone, but all I wanted to do was leave.’s worse.


So Lister finally comes home.

You know aliens mean business when they forge a large asteroid from the blood of thier victims

It’s probably blood.

“That Deadpool excepted the nomination”

Proggy, Synthy, Psychey, Orchestraley...

Say what you will- this latest scary clown craze definitely beats out planking and the Macarena.

My favourite is the little girl crying at how scary it is, but the brother offers her the toys flesh to wear to make her happy and she accepts it.

Underground moon-base. No domes, easy to pressurize, stable long-term with options to greatly expand in three dimensions.