Any description of the Gamecube controller’s greatness is incomplete without mentioning the long-throw-plus-click analog shoulder buttons.
Any description of the Gamecube controller’s greatness is incomplete without mentioning the long-throw-plus-click analog shoulder buttons.
It still bothers me that the Dreamcast/Xbox buttons are in the wrong order compared to the SNES/Playstation ones.
I’ve had to pin my copy to an old version because I did a Charlemagne-era start, I now control almost the whole world, and therefore even if I set the timer to fast, the game-pausing interruptions mean I can’t make fast progress toward getting the super-survivor achievement. (New versions aren’t backward-compatible…
My mom’s tombstone is going to say, “That’s funny, this has never happened before.”
If I were a carpenter, I’d hammer on my piglet.
More from the cancelled despite being basically done pile: Pennant Chase Baseball was cancelled to give the MLB 2k series room to breathe, which it, uh, didn’t.
If Nintendo received evidence of Rapp’s second job from her harassers, they should have ignored it, even if it would normally have been grounds for dismissal, on the Fruit Of The Poisonous Tree principle.
Space Food Truck. Co-op role-based deckbuilder, but you can play solo as all 4 roles.
My state is in the middle of an historic drought, and all the toilets at work are auto-flushing, and therefore flush themselves three to five times per use, instead of the once they would require if they just waited for me to tell them when I was done. I guess they were invented by a sitter.
My early access game of choice right now is Space Food Truck. It’s like a mix of role-based co-op boardgames like Pandemic, with deckbuilding games like Dominion or Ascension, with random galaxy exploration like FTL.
Yes, and when I solved the first one, I noticed that there was a break, but picked the correct (of two) solution without seeing the broken off bit itself on the ground.
One of the other Monastery puzzles had a broken off bit you could find on the floor which hinted at this, but you didn’t need to notice the bit on the floor to solve the other puzzle.
Probably streaming Space Food Truck, and not streaming The Witness.
Remember when Eminem won an Oscar, and he was so sure he didn’t have a chance that he didn’t attend?
“...I guess there’s something that happens in your brain when you ask for help; you reassemble the problem and see it from a new angle.”
The guy from Drakan? Once he beat a boss for me because some door glitched and it wouldn’t let me leave this cave system when he showed up. Also, I couldn’t beat that game because some transparent portal didn’t interact well with my Matrix G400 video card and my whole computer crashed if I saw it head on.
I assume the reason the timing varies is because if you’re standing next to a bullet cannon, it won’t fire.
Every game you listed as a reason to get a XBone or PS4 is completely unappealing to me, so I think I’ll stick with the WiiU I rarely turn on because I still have 300 years of history left in my Byzantine/Roman Empire game in CK2.
Link Totem is Piling On!