
Yeah I’m about as pro science as anyone but didn’t understand the extra steps they took to take pot shots at religion without any context beyond “look how awful they were back then and are.”

People do it everyday sitting in cubicles working 9-5.

Healthy? Probably not. Profitable? Hell yeah.

I actually thought Rose was a great everyman-type character, showing how someone who wasn’t expecting to be a hero (and who was starstruck by heroes) found her place.

Wow, that is so interesting because as an asian woman, I just saw her as a fucking normal-ass person. Maybe it secretly made me feel normal, too, who the fuck knows. But I’m glad that having an asian woman around feels really unnecessary to you. They should cast only regular normal non-weird real people next time.

B-Wing is best wing, it’s right there in the name.

You’re internet-famous! And a doctor of genetics disagrees with you.

It’s important to know that these companies don’t test the same way as the tests you would get from your doctor. For example, 23andme could say you’re in the clear when you have a less common mutation that the medical test would have picked up on.

Penny Arcade this week just reminds me of the perpetual toxicity that exists in some parts across all fandoms; people who criticize others for not liking what they like, while simultaneously chastising those trying to break into the community. Gross.


Still patiently waiting for an AR compatible AoE that’s playable on coffee table. Since it’s owned by Microsoft, dare we say a ‘Hololo’ Lens edition?

I must staunchly disagree, my friend. The show isn’t remotely more interesting and have nothing to do with the books. That’s like saying Marvel’s Thor is an adaptation of Norse mythology but with more interesting stories. Only similarities here are the names and some of the geography. Otherwise the show could be

Girl if you think Wonder Woman is about Greek Mythology you bought the wrong ticket.

The post-apocalyptic part of the books was pretty minor — it really only played a minor part in one of the later storylines. In the original trilogy, there wasn’t much to point to this being anything other than a Tolkien-esque fantasy.

The only good thing about this comment is how badly you’re being owned in the replies. So, I guess thanks for that.

Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad. Take this anti-science shit somewhere else.

Then promptly die from the cancer you left untreated.

My opinion, as a non-medical professional, is that non-medical-professionals shouldn’t be giving ANYONE advice about cancer treatments. Improve your diet to cure cancer, sure, bud. You and Steve Jobs, melting tumors with Odwallas.

They should shift to the “horror themed escape room” segment.

Now playing

NO contest. Catacombs. I had no problem with Doom or Wolfenstein 3D. But this game? I don’t think I ever got more than 20 minutes in before having to quit because I was too scared.