
If you want a gentler introduction to DnD, you can also try play-by-post gaming, which is significantly slower, but naturally highlights good roleplay and settings since both player and DM can take their time crafting their responses. It does, of course, require some... adjustments... for the combat side.

I want to second this. When I was learning to DM, I got some very, very bad advice that ‘players are only happy if they’re being challenged, and the harder the challenge the better [good so far...] so make everything a deathtrap and it’ll be the best thing ever! [no...]’

So, that ‘camera’ response was in response to ‘does Russia have blackmail material on you pertaining to the stories that were published a few days ago?’ And his response was, in essence: ‘No, because I know where the cameras are’

You know, I look at these numbers and it makes me realize that, much as I love Xcom 2 and my friends love Xcom 2, even if everyone who bought the game lived in the United States (and, to balance that assumption somewhat, everyone bought the game via Steam), that still means that one of my favorite games of the year

I... what?

Agreed. The best we seem to get are the Unearthed Arcanas, which have at least *some* interesting stuff in them.

I was in your boat, and then I found out how easy it is to join games online. I tried an actual google-hangout group for a while, but that fell apart, but I’ve had a lot of luck at with their play by post games... I’m in three right now, one of which has been going on for over 2 years right now (we’re

Well, it was at least localized into English from Japanese for the demo, so... maybe?

We were infiltrating the manor of an influential noble (who... ended up being a rakshasa) by means of a hidden dock when his pet pyrohydra emerged from the water. We all settle in for a long fight when our wizard says ‘I turn it into a goldfish.’ A roll later... and the pyrohydra’s a goldfish. DM was a little miffed.

Good news... it isn’t like Adventure Capitalist at all, beyond the idea that you are trying to make money. You’re not just slowly adding more buildings and gaining money faster and faster... it really is like managing an economy, with your clients wanting different things at different times and, ultimately, you not

I wouldn’t call it comfortable. Lets say you do have 1.3k remaining per month and break it down.

Mage Knight! What a fun game. First game I ever played took us an hour to play the first round because we were reading and re-reading the rulebook over and over and over trying to understand what in the world we were doing.

You should try and get their cafeteria staff fired. I bet they secretly whisper SJW mantras into the ears of the Nintendo employees and lace the food with drugs to make them compliant. I heard that... somewhere *rolls eyes*

By that logic, when your food is cold because the waiter left it sitting out on the counter for half an hour, the dishwasher should be fired.

I’m giving you a star just for that last line.

I just do not understand this... how can a group of people be so willfully ignorant of their OWN past? While there were many insults and injuries, the one that set off the community the MOST was the discovery of microtransactions within the original GODUS, and their first thought for what to do with the ‘new’ game

But the control interface is so... soft... and smooth, Anakin! You’ll love it!

Whenever I think of Videogame Dragons, I first think of the Dragon in Loom. Long past her prime, afraid of fire... and hilariously funny.

To expand on your point, I think a major problem with the prequels is that it tried to be BOTH a trilogy of films about political subterfuge AND a kid’s movie. At its core, the prequels could have been a fascinating glimpse into the fall of a democratic society from small-scale trade disagreements to full-blown civil

Somewhere, my parents have a video of a 6-year old me jumping up and down with excitement over getting Monkey Island for Christmas and declaring loudly that “I’ve been waiting my whole life for this!”